Chapter twelve. (Chris)

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After Hope's daycare incident, Courtney had been kind of on edge, and I knew it was just a matter of time till she blew up.

         Thursday started just like any other day,  and it was a normal day until it was almost time to go. All the players and coaches were huddled around, and the trainers were on the side in case anyone got hurt during closing prayer. Anyway, I was thinking about the naughty things I was going to do to Court at home when my bro Brian  told me Courtney was going in on Martis. This was kind of alarming because  Court only got like that with me. 

    Walking over,  all I could think about was controlling my anger.  If he thought he was going to even look at my girl wrong, he was getting fucked up. The closer I got,  the more I actually started hearing their argument.

"How could you even say that about your own daughter?   Oh I forgotI was just trying to trap youright?"
"Yeah bitch,  you know that ugly ass  brat ain't mine."

Did this fool just disrespect my girl and my daughter?   

      I just hit him in the jaw, and everyone heard the crack sound that followed it.  He started laughing like a mad man while holding his jaw, wincing in pain.

"Listen homes, I guess that's you now," He said pointing at Courtney.  "But you should know I hit that first,  and she don't even give head. Said she wouldn't either unless you were her fuckin ex. She gonna compare you to some little bitch named Christian. She gon cheat on you with that lil bitch too. He prolly ain't even thinking bout her." Martis loudly ranted.

By now, everyone was circling around us , trying to figure out the commotion. I just wanted to laugh, didn't he know I was Christian ? 

"Martis shut up." Courtney pleaded.

"Nah , I'm letting him know what's up with you. Shit that little asswipe is probably Christians child."  I just shook my head.

"I'm Christian stupid fucking idiot."

     He had the nerve to look scared , then he smirked. "She still ain't gonna give you any head. You ain't her bitchass ex."

When will this poor guy ever learn to keep his mouth shut ? I was trying hard not to hit him , trying so hard not to get into a fight.

"Oh but I am her bitchass ex." That ridiculous smirk fell off his face.  Now he looked like he was going to pee on himself.

"I'm sorry man I didn't know."  He stated humbly. 

   I just grabbed Courtney's waist and walked away. I'd deal with her later.   I turned around, mouthing "I actually hit it first" and laughed at Martis shocked expression. 

     I was glad Hope was staying at my mom's house tonight, cause Courtney had some explaining to do and I knew it wasn't gonna be pretty.

As soon as we got in my house , we started arguing.

  "Why the fuck didn't you tell me that idiot is Hope's father ?"

"Why the fuck won't you tell me why you got traded ?"

"Of course you would ask why a football player gets traded."

"Shut the fuck up Christian." She was about to walk away when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to like that , but it sure as hell isn't me." I whispered in her ear.  Courtney started to cry and ran to my room.

"You always run away Courtney." I yelled after her. I didn't mean to make her cry, I just wanted to know why she wouldn't even tell me something so important.

             I was tempted to make myself a drink or eight, but I didn't want to disappoint Courtney more than I already had.  I was about to give in, when  Courtney came in the kitchen and hugged me.  

"I didn't tell you cause I was kind of ashamed." She sobbed on my shoulder.
" non piangere tesoro sei bella (Don't cry darling you're beautiful)."

" He actually told me that he was cheating on me the whole time, and Hope wasn't his because we used a condom."

"Cara, did I treat you so badly that you went to him ?" She shook her head no.

"You were a controlling , possessive and kind of angry jerk , but you were a great boyfriend."

We both laughed.   

    "Mi dispiace per quello che ho detto. Mi perdonerai Cara? (I'm sorry for what I said, will you forgive me darling?)"

"English loverboy. "

"Darling, will you forgive me for what I said earlier ?"

"If we get to cuddle and watch Tangled." Smiling , I agreed to her conditions.

"I love you , Lynn."

She chuckled. "Middle names ?" I nodded.

"Always, Lynn."

"I love you, Anthony." She said as she snuggled up beside me.

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