Chapter Fifteen. (Chris)

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   February turned into March, then April, and Courtney kept her promise. I had Hope every other week, and Kevin, Marco , Orlean or Kaylin had to be with me. I barely saw Court, just a quick 'have fun' before she slammed the door in my face. I missed her. I had to tell her everything.

     I dropped Hope off at my mom's house for the night, I had to get my future wife back.

  "Wow, you're gorgeous." I whispered as she opened the door. Courtney giggled a little,

"What do you want Christian, and were is my baby ?" Courtney asked, suddenly serious.

I kissed her neck. I knew we needed to talk, but I had something else to take care of first.   

"Chris, what are you,   oooh" She moaned as I stuck two fingers in her.   

I pushed her into the kitchen. "Don't fight it, Cara." I said while putting her on the counter.  I kept kissing her, we both knew I was leaving marks but we didn't care.  I pushed my fingers deeper inside her,  feeling her riding them till she climaxed.  Quickly, I placed my dick in her, while putting my fingers in her mouth. Courtney started moaning loudly, so I knew she was about to come again. I started going faster , harder. Courtney had too feel how much I needed her.  "Christian, Oh, Christian" I heard her scream as she came again.  "Make me a baby, Cara."  I grunted as I released in her.

    We both just stayed there, Court laying on the counter, me sitting on a stool, panting and catching our breath. 

"So, why are you here ? " Courtney asked as she pulled up her shorts.

"Cause we gotta talk." I sighed.

"So talk." It wasn't that simple.

"You wanna make tea first ?" She turned the stove on, pulled out two mugs, sugar, honey, a lemon and shortbread cookies. In 5 minutes, she had our snack ready.

       I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out where to begin. "Um, the drinking started when I was 16, and again after we broke up. Just before Miami."

She looked concerned. "Why were you drinking so young?"

"Um, please don't interrupt." I said calmly before continuing.

   "Anyway, Miami was....different. I went from white to brown,   I slept around." Court gave me a look. "A lways with protection.  Kevin and Marco tried to cover it up as much as they could, but they couldn't stop everything.  

My dad, my real dad, came down. Then I started getting into fights with people for no reason.  If I thought you looked at me wrong, yeah you get the point.

I never got in any legal trouble cause who wanted to arrest Miami's savior ?" I chuckled.

"That is what you couldn't tell me ? It's not that big Chris."

I kissed her to shut her up. "It got worse Courtney Lynn."

        I ate a cookie, then started to finish. " Anyways, Henry Stays, the owner, liked me and sent me to rehab, where I was reunited with Emily. We used to get drunk and umm, back to the point.

I got out, and it got better for a while.  I wasn't fighting or drinking. I just played football. Then my dad got remarried.

Do you know what he said Courtney ? He told me that his new wife was soooooooo much better than my mom. He had two kids with her, and he said they weren't fucked up mistakes. That I was just the little bastard he got stuck with.

      So, I just drunk it all away. Vodka, tequila, scotch, whiskey, anything with alcohol, I drank all day, everyday.  It made me remember everything single thing he did, but it took away the pain.

           One night I got totally wasted, so Kevin had to take me home. I might have been a fucked up mistake , but I wasn't going to drink and drive. ****(NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE.)*****  While Kev was taking me home,  and we got in an accident.  The family died on impact. It honestly, undoubtedly, unquestionably wasn't our fault, Kev was turning, and they literally came speeding out of nowhere. We were just at the wrong place, wrong time."

     Courtney hugged me. I hadn't realized I was crying until she told me to let it all out.

"Why me, Court? Why was I the fuck up? He loved those other kids, the only thing he loved about me was giving me black eyes or broken ribs. Why did he treat my mom like that ? Why?" 

She just stroked my hair. "Ask him."

"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The accident." Her eyes got wide, then she hugged me tighter.

   "I'm sorry." I looked at her like she grew two heads.

"I'm not. My stepfather treated me so much better than my own dad. Aren't you supposed to love your kids ? Make them happy ? Why couldn't he do that ?" I sobbed on her shoulder.

  "Let it all out."

I started kind of laughing.

       "I'm not supposed to be crying. I'm supposed to be your hero."

She slapped my arm playfully. "You'll always be my hero, Christian." She kissed me.

"Always?" Courtney nodded yes.

"So will you make me that baby ?" I asked her. She smiled.

"I'll try hard to make you a baby Chris, but I might need some help." She winked and ran into her bedroom.
I'll most definitely help with that I thought as I followed her.


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