Chapter Three. (Courtney)

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         The weekend rolled by way too fast for my liking. I dropped my baby girl off at her daycare and made my way to the playground.

As Sam,  the head athletic trainer , gave me the tour, I understood why they called it a playground. Anyone would want to play for them with a practice facility this nice. I thought. " That's the end of the tour,  here are the other trainers now. " Sam sighed. I could tell he didn't like me but I don't know why.  

         "Hi,  I'm Kaylin,  Kaylin Karts."  The only other girl introduced herself. She was a gorgeous white girl,  with long Brown hair and big brown eyes. 

"Courtney Taylor." I reached out to shake her hand,  until she pulled me into a hug. I forgot they hugged around here.

"You wanna grab lunch?"  I hadn't realized  the tour had taken so much time,  and I didn't want to eat by myself the first day.

"Sure, let me just grab my purse." We started walking to the trainers room.   As soon as I grabbed my bag,  someone walked into me.

    "Courtney baby,  you missed me.?" That voice made my skin crawl.  He works here?  Is Jesus punishing me?  I praise you everyday Jesus,  please let this be a joke.

"No Martis,  I do not miss you. I do not like you,  I am not your baby,  leave me alone." I stated as I walked out with a very confused Kaylin behind me. 

"What was that about?" she asked as we got in the cafeteria line. I grabbed a Turkey sandwich and a sprite and had a seat.

           "That is one fine piece of chocolate." She said dreamily. I sighed because it was true. Martis was 6'0, with a low cut fade, a really nice smile and large Hazel eyes. Anyone would think he was a catch. As much as I didn't like putting my business out there,  something told me to trust her.

  "I dated Martis when I was 21,  for about a year, and everything was okay until I found out I was pregnant after we had sex once. I told him,  he told me that it wasn't his baby because we wore a condom,  that he had 4 other kids and I was trying to trap him.  He said he wanted nothing to do with my baby,  then got his mom to curse me out. The icing on the cake was,  when my baby was 3 months,  Martis signed his paternal rights away."   I didn't realize I was crying until Kaylin wiped away my tears.

  "Can I see your baby?" She asked.

"Of course ! I miss her so much,  I can't wait to see her again . " I said as I showed Kaylin pictures of Hope on my phone.

"She's so cute, and she looks just like you." Kaylin gushed.  She did,  Even though Hope was only 3 , she was already a mini me. We had the same mocha skin, thick black hair and facial features. The only difference was my eyes were brown,  Hope's where large and Hazel,  just like her sperm donor.

       " Wait right here a minute. " Kaylin walked off.  I needed something sweet,  so I got back in line for cake. They have lemon cake. I like this place already. The Lady rang me up and I thanked her.

"No,  thank you. You were smiling and friendly. Around here , everyone just treats me  like I'm beneath them because they make millions. So thank you."   I smiled.

"Thank you, that made my entire week." I gave her a hug and went back to my seat.

     I was enjoying my cake when Kaylin  sat back down. "Martis is going to enjoy getting those coffee stains off of that white shirt." My eyes got wide. Then we busted out laughing.    I like this girl.  Sam  came in looking pissed. 

"We have a meeting." He yelled and walked back out.  "He wanted one of his friends to get this spot, but his uncle wanted you.'

" Who's his uncle?"

"Mr. Torres. that's Sam Torres." Kaylin explained. It made sense now.

     The meeting went by fairly quickly, it was just bullshit.   I was walking out when someone said my name. I missed that voice so much,  I loved it so much.  I felt a smile forming on my face and a puddle forming in my panties.

I ran back to him,  admiring those blue gray eyes,  dark hair and easy smile.   Before I knew it,  I was in his arms. Damn I miss his hugs. They make everything better. ooh he still smells good. Gawww I've missed him. "I missed you so much Chris.'


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