Chapter twenty three. (Courtney)

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  After that little incident, Chris and I took a little time to just work on us.  Whether it was going out on dates or just chilling at home,  we were relearning each other, and I was falling in love with him all over again.

      Summer passed quickly,  before I knew it, Opening Week was here and so was my 6 month mark.  Even though Chris didn't want me to work at all, we compromised at 6 months.   Could I go peacefully though ? I guess not.

    The first day of my last week,  This Karen Sherwin lady shows up with a six month old baby. 

       "Hi. I'm looking for Chris Aderson.  I'm Karen and this is his son." The wannabe real housewife of Orange County clone announced.  I rolled my eyes. "You must be his fiancee, oh, poor honey. You look way too big, you're about to pop now."
Jesus take the wheel. Take it from my hands. "I'm actually having twins. Secondly, I know my fiancee hasn't slept with you. If you'd like, I can get a paternity test for proof of your lies." I put on a fake smile just for her. 

She started stuttering, looking shocked.  "But, how did, how do you know ? I didn't tell anyone. I don't even want the stupid piece of shit." Karen Sherwin literally walked away, and left the baby.

I know this woman of the Lord did not just come to my job, lie about my man being her baby daddy,  then admit to lying and leave a baby. Jesus, I'm through. How can you leave a baby?

Although I didn't want to, I called Child Protective Services. "Hello, How may I help you?" A lady said when she answered the phone.

"Hi, I'm Courtney and a lady left her baby here with me."

"Do you know the mother's name and the baby's name?"  

"The mother's name is Karen Sherwin. That's all I know."

I guess she started typing on the computer.

"It looks like Baby's name is Hunter Sherwin and he has an aunt in Texas. I will call you back when I'm through with her." The lady hung up.      

  In maybe 10 minutes, she called back. "The aunt can be here in 2 days. Do you have a criminal record Ms. Taylor ? "

"Um, no. I don't even have over due library books."

"Well, can Hunter Sherwin stay with you?"


"Okay, we'll get in touch when the aunt is here." She hung up again.

        Baby boy started crying in his car seat, so I picked him up to see what was going on with him.

Hunter was soooooooo cute,   He had these dark green eyes framed by long eyelashes and soft brown hair on his head.  On top of that, he was chubby.

  "Oooh baby boy, what's wrong? Don't worry Hunter, I'll make sure you're okay." I told him.  

He wasn't wet,  so I took him down to the cafeteria where I bumped right into Chris.

   "How did that baby get here?  Oh God, did you go into labor ? I'm sorry, wait, where's the other baby ? Are you okay Courtney Lynn ?" He was really cute getting worried.

"I'm still pregnant, but  some woman claimed you got her pregnant, admitted that she lied and left the baby here.  Now I think baby boy is hungry."

 "Is someone coming for the baby?"

"I called Child Protective Services, and they asked me to keep him until the aunt got here.

Chris, they just asked if I had a criminal record. They've never seen me before, they don't know if I'm a terrorist or a pedophile or homeless. They're supposed to help protect children, not just dump them with the first friendly face Chris." I cried on his shirt.

"Chris,  They didn't even ask if I could take care of Hunter.  They just asked if I was a criminal. I didn't even have to sign anything." I sobbed.

This was really a sad world.

"There, there Cara. It's gonna be alright." Chris hugged me tightly. His hugs always made me feel better, no matter what the situation.

  Hunter started crying again, breaking us out of our thoughts.

"I'll hold the baby, you go find something he can eat." Chris said as he picked Hunter up.

   I ran to the line, grabbed a banana, and looked around to see if they had any milk. Then I asked if they had a bottle or a sippy cup.  The cafe workers looked at me like I was crazy.  I just took the banana back to where Chris was sitting.

   "Hey, give me your jacket." Chris handed me the jacket and the baby. 

  "Here, mash up this banana." I told Chris as I pulled down my bra. I breastfed Hunter as Chris made his food.

Within a few minutes,  Hunter was sleeping peacefully.  Christian just looked at me for a moment before muttering

"You're amazing. " 

"I love you Chris."

"I love you more, Courtney Lynn."    


      At home, I could tell something was bothering Chris. When I woke up at 3 in the morning, and he wasn't beside me, I started to panic.  He wasn't in Hope's room, or Hunters room. I was honestly about to call a search team, when I saw him in the kitchen, drinking tea.

  "What's wrong ?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"What if I'm not a good father ?  Today, with Hunter, you knew what to do, and you did it. What if I don't know how to be like that? We found out we're having boys and I can't even help you pick out a name."

I never thought about that, simply because Chris has wanted to be a father since I've known him. 

"It's okay to be scared Christian, we all get scared. I know that you're going to be a great father though." I told him as I rubbed his back.

"How do you know that ?"

"Look at you and Hope.  Have you noticed that whenever she's scared , she runs straight to you and you always say the right things to make her feel better? Or today, with Hunter, how you got him to stop crying?" 

He smiled a little. "I'm supposed to be the one making you feel better." He said.

"It's a 50/50 thing homie." We both laughed.

     "Seriously though, what are we going to name the babies ?"

"I wanna name one after you." I said quietly.  I know he was frowning without even having to look up.

"I don't want a junior." "Anthony. Anthony Nasir Aderson."

"I like it Lynn. Andrew ? Andrew Nicholas Aderson."

I started smiling really big. "I love those names !"

Chris smiled again. "Anthony and Andrew Aderson."


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