~Am I my brother's keeper?~
The highly anticipated sequel to 'When Worlds Collide'
This follows the lives of the children of Ryan and Valerie as they find their way through life's challenges.
What obstacles do they face ahead?
Is blood really thicke...
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Nathan loudly laughed and smacked the table as Ryan told him about Isaiah
Ryan kept a permanent scowl on his face as Nate's laughter only intensified his anger, he poured himself another shot of Jack Daniels and downed that one in seconds
"Wait, wait. Tell it to me one more time because I don't think I fully got it the first time."
"Oh fuck you, Nate!" Ryan said pouring another shot as Nate started laughing again while leaning over as Ryan downed another shot
Nate laughed so much that his sides were hurting and he started crying. "Wait till I tell Drew about this, we're gonna have a grandpa in our mix." Nate cackled as Ryan put his head in his hands
"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Ryan groaned
"Hey dad, I'm fixing to head out." Jeremiah said walking into the dining room
"While you're out, I need you to stop by the office and pick up some things for me. Just text me when you get there because I'm not in my right state of mind right now."
"Little man, you're your dad's last hope, please don't go do something that's gonna give this old guy a heart attack." Nate snickered as Ryan continued to hold his head in his hands
"I try hard everyday."
"Oh yeah, I also need you to take care of that Cuban deal."
"I'm already on it." Nate said
"Oh, well nevermind, just be ready when I call you."
"Little man taking over the family business, I thought I'd never see the day but look at you now." Nate smiled
"Yes, I'm very proud of Jeremiah, now finally Val and I can go on vacation." Ryan sighed with a smile
"Woah, vacation? You mean you aren't staying around to help?"
"Stay around for what? I taught you everything you need to know, you know how everything works, you don't need me."
"Yes I do, you can't leave me all alone." Jeremiah assured
"You won't be entirely alone, you'll have your protection and all the resources to get the job done with no problems."
"That's not the same as you physically being there."
"We'll talk about this later, right now could you go to the office for me and get what I need."
"Yeah sure."
"And while you're out, get your dad some pedialyte, the man's gonna drink himself into a stupor." Nate teased
Jeremiah wasn't all that confident in branching out on his own just yet, so far he's always had Ryan there with him and it made things so much easier, but Ryan is ready to give Jeremiah full control and he's not ready.
Jeremiah walked the halls of the building still wondering and worrying about the day Ryan will send him out on his own, when a beautiful figure caught his attention in the copy room.
He stopped and turned around to get a good look at her. She was a petite size, beautiful caramel skin and gorgeous eyes.
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He walks up to her as she had her back turned. "Hello, there." He said as she was a little startled as she didn't hear anyone walk inside the room
"Oh, hello." She smiled
"I haven't seen you before, you new around here?"
"Not really, I've been here for about three months now."
"Really? Well it's nice to see a new face, I'm Jeremiah." He said holding out his hand
She shook his hand as it was large, and very strong but wasn't overbearing. She looks down at his hand as it engulfs her small one as she scolds herself for the dirty thoughts that entered her head
"I'm Giselle. This may sound weird but, I could've sworn I've seen you before."
He chuckled, "Probably TV, or you're real good at deciphering baby pictures."
"So that is you, you play basketball and you're Mr. Praninsky's son."
"Yeah lucky me, listen Giselle, if you're not busy this Friday maybe you and I could go out."
She blushed, "That's real nice of you, but I don't think your dad would appreciate us hanging out, plus I have to work."
"Well, just don't tell him you need Friday off, or I can tell him." He said as his phone started ringing
He reached in his pocket for the phone and looked at the screen, "That's him calling now, I'll tell him about Friday."
"No!" She said quickly grabbing his arm, and then letting him go after realizing what she had done "I don't want to seem like a troublemaker, or one to always complain." She said as he muted the ringing and put the phone back in his pocket
"Aren't you going to answer it?"
"He'll call back, he's already in a pissed off mood, what's one missed phone call gonna hurt?" He shrugged "You still haven't given me an answer for Friday."
"Alright, I'll see if maybe I can work early and by the time I get off, we can go out."
He smiled, "Perfect, hopefully I'll see you after work on Friday." He said as his phone started ringing again
As soon as he answered it, Ryan started going off on him in Russian about not answering the phone.
He was talking so loud and fast that Giselle could hear him talking, but couldn't understand anything he was saying
"Ok pop, I understand."
"Don't you ok pop, me, answer the fucking phone!" Ryan yelled at Jeremiah as he started snickering and took the phone down from his ear as Ryan was still fussing
"It was nice meeting you, Giselle."
"It was nice meeting you too." She said as he put the phone back up to his ear and walked off
As soon as he left the room, she blew a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding. The way he looked at her made her insides jump around and gave her that warm, fuzzy feeling.
It was something about his eyes that when she looked into them, she just couldn't say no.
Is Jeremiah catching feelings?🤔
I appreciate all of you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next one, later my dudes,