Diana went back to her apartment later that day, with a clear head and free spiritHowever, when she walked through her doors, all of that came crashing down
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Vance yelled
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me! Where have you been?! You had a press conference today! I stood their waiting hours for you!"
"I was with a friend." She said solemnly
"A friend?" He said in a questionable voice as he went through his phone and pulled up a picture of her and Dylan "This! Doesn't look like just a friend to me! So who is he?! Is this the guy you've been seeing behind my back."
"First of all, Vance. I would never do that to you, I've been nothing but faithful and loyal to you since we started this relationship!"
"Then who is he?! Why are you all hugged up with him like you're in love?! He's giving you kisses on the cheek, what kind of friend is that?!"
"Alright fine! He's more than a friend, not only is he my best friend but he's also my brother, there, you happy?!" She said as she began to walk around him to go towards the living room and he follows behind her
"Your brother?! You told me that you only had a sister."
"Ok I lied, so what." She said with a shrug
"I don't believe this man is your brother, he barely looks anything like you. I can't believe you, you'd stand right in my face and tell me a flat out lie like I'm stupid or something."
"You know what?! I really don't care what you think anymore, you can not believe me when I say that, that is my brother and believe that we are in some sort of romantic relationship, I don't care!" She said as she let out an angry sigh
"All of this arguing and back n forth we go through just really makes me want to go out and have an affair with someone, at least then I'll be happy or won't have to worry about them lining their pockets with my money every time I turn around to do something."
"And you know what else?! I never intended on marrying you! I may have been stupid enough to lay down with you, but I for damn sure am not giving you my hand in marriage! I'll be damned if I let you work me to death like some personal show puppet and let you reap all the benefits. No way, so to you, I say fuck you and your marriage proposal!" She said as Vance's anger noticeable grew
His fists were in a tight ball as he slowly released his fist and swiftly slapped Diana in the face, causing her to stumble a bit.
"You stupid girl! I made you the successful star that you are right now and this is the thanks I get?! You ungrateful little tramp! It's girls like you who have to learn respect the hard way." He said as Diana was still in shock that he slapped her
She stood up straight and took her hand down from her face as she began to laugh. He stood there in puzzlement as he wondered what was so funny
"You have absolutely no idea what you just did. You're as good as dead."
He scoffed, "And what exactly are you going to do about it? Do you honestly think that you can get an upper-hand on me?"
She smirked as she pulled out her phone, "You're about to find out what I'm going to do."
"Hey Saiah, it's me, Diana. Listen, we got ourselves a code blue...... alright, see you in a bit." She hung up the phone as she sat down on the couch and turned the TV on while Vance just stood there watching her
"You should go relax, baby. Go pour yourself a drink or something."
"I don't know what kind of games you're pulling, but it's not going to work with me!" He yelled as he stormed off

My Brother's Keeper
Genel Kurgu~Am I my brother's keeper?~ The highly anticipated sequel to 'When Worlds Collide' This follows the lives of the children of Ryan and Valerie as they find their way through life's challenges. What obstacles do they face ahead? Is blood really thicke...