~Am I my brother's keeper?~
The highly anticipated sequel to 'When Worlds Collide'
This follows the lives of the children of Ryan and Valerie as they find their way through life's challenges.
What obstacles do they face ahead?
Is blood really thicke...
Diana was getting her stuff together so she could be ready for her date as she planned to go get her hair done in the next hour.
She had her bag around her shoulder when she turns around and nearly screamed as she took her headphones out of her ears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Francisco said
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"Whatever. Listen, if coach wants me tell him I have plans and I can't talk right now, send me an email."
"No, no he doesn't want anything, I was wanting to ask you something. I promise I'll be brief. Who was that lady that you were with the other day."
"What lady?"
"The one with the curly brown hair, she wore a white shirt and black pants, and a tattoo on her shoulder."
"Oh, that was my older sister. What about her?"
"Is she single by any chance?"
"You wanna date my sister?" Diana asked as he nervously cleared his throat
"Well yes, I know this is very awkward and random but I thought she was very pretty and she looked like she didn't want to be bothered so I was nervous to ask."
"I suppose I could ask her if she's interested. I'll let you know." She said as he smiled
"Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day."
"You too."
"David is going to love it." Lilly smiled as she went to Diana's place to see her before she left for her date
"Thanks, I really hope tonight goes well."
"Of course it will. You both like each other and I don't see why tonight wouldn't go well. Don't think too hard about it, be yourself and relax."
"Speaking of liking someone, Francisco said that he thought you were very pretty and wants to ask you out on a date."
"Who's that?" Lilly asked as Diana rolled her eyes
"My coach's son, remember."
"Oh yeah, the one that kept staring at me. He wants to date me?"
"Yep. He said he wanted to ask you himself but you looked like you didn't want to be bothered and scared him off, so he asked me to help him."
"I guess, the one I went out with a few days ago was boring."
"Who Jacob?"
"He loves to go out and have fun, all the things you like."
"Yeah but he just didn't excite me. I don't know if it was his voice, his personality, something about him I just couldn't get on board with and that made me bored."
"I get it, maybe Francisco will at least excite you enough to have a second date." Diana said as Lilly scoffed
"Doubt it, he'll be just like all the rest of them."