Chapter 19: Daddy's Little Girl

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"I just wish you would've told me this shit was going on, Diana, you know I would've been here to help you." Diana's friend and teammate, Mikayla said as she was at Diana's apartment waiting on Lilly to show up so they could go to the beach

" Diana's friend and teammate, Mikayla said as she was at Diana's apartment waiting on Lilly to show up so they could go to the beach

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"Yeah I know, trust me you're not the only one that's told me that. I have to be reminded of this every time I go home."

"Honestly I'm glad you got rid of that puto, he was nothing but trouble."

"Vance is out of my life forever and I don't have to worry about him coming back ever again."

Mikayla smiled and put an arm around Diana, "Good, because I need you to be focused so we can win because I'll be damned if I'm sitting at home watching those other sorry ass teams play my spot." She said as the doorbell sounded

"That's probably my sister, could you get that for me while I go to the bathroom?" Diana asked getting up

"Sure." Mikayla got up to answer the door and when she opened it, Lilly was staring down at her phone as she walked in, handed Mikayla her bag all without looking up

"Sorry I'm late Di, traffic was a real pain in the ass and thing one kept calling me while I was trying to get some dick from Aiden on his lunch break and now I'm hungry and still a little horny, anyway, I'm gonna use your bathroom because I've been holding it for some time." Lilly went upstairs still on her phone while Mikayla still held her bag and was a little confused

"Where'd Lilly go?" Diana asked coming from the bathroom

"She went upstairs."

"You're holding her bag, let me guess, she thought you was me."

"Does she always do this?"

"It started when I was little, I used to always want her bags because they were pretty and I wanted to play with them, so I'd sneak in her room and get them when she wasn't home. One day I spilt blue paint on her brand new all white Burkin bag that my dad gave to her, I tried to clean it but I only made it worse. I went back to her room, hid the purse in the back of her closet thinking maybe she wouldn't find it or remember because she had so many, when she got back home, and a few hours later, she storms in my room, grabs me by the hair and says you're gonna die tonight but first I'm gonna make you drink blue paint until you puke.
I begged her not to kill me and she said either I punish you or dad will, I chose dad because all he was gonna do was take away something of mines, ground me for two weeks and all is well, not likely, he said I was old enough to know better and I deserve whatever punishment Lilly saw fit to give me, as long as she didn't leave any markings or poison me. I begged for a spanking, my Saturday funday to be taken away, anything, but nope he was not listening and as a result, she ultimately turned me into her indentured servant, cleaning her room everyday, carrying her stuff when she didn't feel like it and even making her bed."

"Wow, So she still treats you like a servant?"

"Not really, at this point this is just how she is, she's a diva in every sense of the word. But she's a real sweetheart once you get to know her."

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