1. "I have something to tell you"

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2 more days of college until the summer holidays! I finish my Thursday lessons by lunch time and go home at 1pm as I have no classes in the afternoon. When I get home I know I can just relax and play with my dogs as tomorrow is only a half day because it's the last day of term.

It gets to 6pm and my mum arrives home from work. The dogs go crazy when they see her it's so funny. She's been out a lot recently with work doing what she calls "networking events" but it just ends with her coming home at 11pm slightly to drunk to cope.

She came home at her normal time today but she looks so worried. I help her bring in all of her work things from the car and make her a cup of tea while she sits at the dining table. I ask her straight up as it's playing on my mind. "Mum, what's wrong? Did something happen at work?" She just looks up at me like a lost puppy. It's always been just me and my mum ever since I was a baby. However she has always been worried about telling me if she's found a boyfriend or is going on a date.

Eventually she replies after a long 30 seconds of silence.

"Sophie, I have something to tell you." she says nervously

"Yes mum?" I reply worried about what she is going to say

"You know how I've been out a lot recently? Well it hasn't been with work. Ok some of it has but most of it has been going out for dinner with someone"

I'm now 18, I can handle my mum seeing someone. When I was younger this wasn't the case as I wasn't used to someone else coming into our lives. However, I'm taking a gap year once college has finished then I'm going to University so I won't be around much anyway.

After my brain works out what to reply I just look at her and say "it's okay mum. If you're seeing someone you don't need to be afraid of telling me. I'm the 'child' (even though I'm 18) of the family and you don't need my approval"

She looks at me with surprise but with a small smile on her face.

"Sophie, you're right. I've been going on a few dates with someone who I met at a work event. I was worried about telling you because no one has been in our lives since you were 12 and I worry you won't forgive me an-"

"Mum stop! I'm happy if you're happy"

I hug her and she hugs me back. We then sit down in the living room and I ask her questions about this mystery man.

"So, does he have any kids?" I've always wanted siblings. And for some reason I've always wanted older siblings which is strange I guess as all of my friends say that having older siblings is torture as they used to get beaten up by them.

"Yeah, he has a son who's a few years older than you"

I get excited purely because he's older and my dream is coming true. I just have to pray that he isn't a twat. Because I am not sharing my house with a twat. Wait.

"Are they going to live here?" I ask worryingly.

My mum just looks at me and shakes her head. Phew.

"No Sophie! Not just yet. One step at a time, I need you to meet him and his son first before anything like that happens."

"So how come he's single?"

My mum goes quiet and just looks at the floor.

"Um, well, his wife left him and his son 20 years ago when his son was 2 years old. Ever since then it's just been him and his son so they've sort of been in the same situation as us all these years. However I believe his son still has contact with his mom."

I don't ask anymore questions as I feel it's getting a bit too deep for my liking. Instead I just go up to my room and tidy all my school books away as I'm not going to need them ever again until I start university.


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