5. "We've heard a lot about you."

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It's been about a week now since running into Brad in the park and I've literally been in my room, in the same pjs since. I haven't moved. I feel like I've been hibernating.

I'm re-watching Gossip Girl for the 5th time and my phone starts to buzz. Part of me wants it to be Brad but I know nothing can happen between us because we are kind of family now. It feels weird to think about us like family. After all, we've only known each other a few weeks.

I check my phone and see it's a text from Ella. We haven't seen each other or spoken since The Vamps concert.

She's been in Thailand with her family so she can't really contact me that easily. However the text says:

'Sophie! We're coming back from Thailand earlier than we thought! Lucas isn't very well and my parents thought we should come home. See you soon!! Xx'

Lucas is her 10 year old brother by the way.

I reply to her as soon as I've finished reading her message.

'Omg! It's so good to hear from you. You haven't missed out on much since you've been away xx'

I decide not to mention Brad. Maybe not until I see her face to face.

'When is your plane? I can meet you at the airport when you land xx'

She replies almost instantly.

'Glad to know I'm not missing out! It lands at 6pm :) xx'

'See you then! Xx' I send back to her.


Me and my mum haven't really talked about Derek and Brad since they came over for dinner and she still hasn't asked me about me staying at Brad's for a bit the day we bumped into each other. Which is weird because had this been anyone else, she would be interrogating me wanting to know everything about them.

It gets to 5pm and I leave for Birmingham airport. It's only a short drive from the house, about half an hour or so on the motorway.

I arrive at 5.45 and I stand at the arrivals gate, watching everyone coming through and loved ones shouting and hugging each other. I'm so excited to see Ella and I can't contain my excitement.

I suddenly hear screams coming from the departures gate and out of the corner of my eye I see loads of flashing. I turn around to see The Vamps.

Brad is trying to get pictures with fans while the other three are just trying to get away from the paparazzi. I see Joe - their manager - trying to cover them with coats but I mean it's not really working.

Brad spots me briefly and does a double take but carries on walking. I don't think he recognised me at such a short glance. I still feel like a huge fan - which I am and that's not going to change - but I'm also kind of family and I feel a bit like a stalker.

I turn to face back to the arrivals gate and a wave of people come flooding through. It's hard to spot Ella and her family but I just hear "Sophie! Sophie!" My eyes widen and I go under the barrier and run to Ella giving her the biggest hug ever. I think my hug could beat Brad's hug.

"Ella, I've missed you!" she says to me in an excited tone.

"I've missed you so much you have no idea. Birmingham has been so quiet without you!" I say with tears in my eyes. She's my best friend and I feel lost without her.

Ella's family have been like my own family. They've always looked after me like I was their own child which I enjoy. I hug her mum and dad and stay away from Lucas as I don't want to catch anything but I wave and smile at him.

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