22. "What if our parents are home?"

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"Sophie" I hear a voice as someone's gently nudging me. "Wake up"

I pull the duvet over my head and a small chuckle leave the persons mouth which leads me to think it's Brad. I poke my head out from the duvet to see his brown eyes staring at me as he's sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask in my croaky morning voice.

"Thought I'd bring you breakfast." Brad says with a smile on his face.

I smile and chuckle to myself as Brad stands up to get the tray from the other side of my room. I sit up on my bed so my back is against the headboard and I shuffle over slightly so Brad can sit next to me.

He places the tray on my lap and my eyes flicker around all the different food. A bowl of fruit, a croissant, a glass of orange juice and a full English.

I look at Brad surprised at the amount of food that's currently in front of me. "And you expect me to eat all of this?" I laugh at him

"Well I didn't know what you fancied so I got a bit of everything. I'll eat whatever you don't want." He tells me with a smile.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask as I start tucking into my full English by buttering some toast.

"Hmmmm Friends?" Brad suggests

"That's right up my street." I say with a smile.

We spend the next hour finishing the tray of food and watching 3 episodes of Friends.

"Are you going out anywhere today?" Brad asks me as he gets off my bed to take the tray downstairs for me.

"I don't think so why?" I ask

"Our parents are having 'date night' tonight so I was wondering if you were staying in or going out with friends." Brad says to me

Date night? God how much more lovey dovey could our parents get? I forget that Brad's pretty much my stepbrother, but in a way, it's turning me on now that I've gotten close with him in a sexual way. Yeah I've always wanted a brother older than me but never did I ever think that would happen and even have a relationship with them? INSEST!

But come on, it's Brad Simpson. Am I going to turn him down? No, think again.

"Urm right, no I'm not going out, well I haven't made any plans but I think I'll just stay in. What about you?" I throw the question back to Brad.

"If you're staying in, I will too." Brad says to me with a smile.

"You don't have to do that, you can go out with your friends if you want." I smile at him.

"I'm not going to go out and leave you here." Brad pauses and looks at his phone which is buzzing constantly. "Unless you come out with me?"

He looks back up at me waiting for me to reply. "I'll think about it." I send him a smile.

"Ok if you do come, dress nicely and be ready for 9." Brad orders me as he smiles and shuts the door behind him taking the tray down with him.


On my way back from the gym I stop by at M&S and grab some stuff to make a salad. My mum had texted me that she had already left with Derek as they were going for drinks before dinner so I knew that it was only Brad at home. I don't want a takeaway as I've been eating really badly this summer so I'm going to start eating healthy from now.

I pull up on my drive and carry in the bags of shopping then lock up my car and shut the front door. Brad is no where to be seen downstairs so I presume he's upstairs.

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