35. "I'll call you everyday."

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It's been almost 2 months and Brad is leaving for the Europe tour tomorrow. This year has gone so quick. It's absolutely crazy how we met in July, being introduced as step siblings and now it's November 1st and my now fiancé is leaving for tour.

Brad's away for a whole month meaning I'm alone in our flat for that amount of time. We bought the flat in London meaning I'm far from my mum and Ella. I haven't spoken to Ella much, I think she's distanced her self from me since I told her me and Brad were official.

We had our engagement party a few weeks ago which just consisted of the band, Joe, my mum and Brad's parents (seeing as my dad isn't really in the picture).

I'm glad to say it wasn't awkward between the parents at all. I was so nervous that when they arrived no one would talk and they would just be sitting there but thankfully Anne and my mum got on very well and Derek is still good friends with both my mum and Anne.

Anyway, Brad and I are going out tonight for our last dinner together before he goes away. We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant seeing as we we just wanted something quick and easy and there's a great Chinese just around the corner from us.

I was wearing jeans, a black satin shirt with faint thin white stripes going vertically down it, black heeled boots and a leather jacket seeing as it was a bit chilly out.

Brad was wearing his signature doc martins, black trousers, and a plain white shirt along with a black denim jacket with fleece on the inside.

We walked to the restaurant hand in hand and just made small talk during the walk. There were a few paparazzi whilst we were out and they took a few pictures but we continued on walking and no doubt will those pictures be plastered all over Twitter in the next few hours.

Once we're in the restaurant and we're seated, the waiter comes over to us, Brad orders for me seeing as we've always resulted to a Chinese as a last minute takeaway so he knows my order off by heart now.

"So where exactly are you going on tour?" I ask not really knowing the details, just knowing that it's the 'Europe Tour'.

"I know we start in France and end in Germany but all of the places in between are Spain, Italy, Poland, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Spain and Finland." Brad says whilst counting on his fingers the number of counties as he says them. "I've probably missed some out, you know what I'm like with remembering things." He says whilst laughing. 

"That's a hell of a lot of places! I never knew so many people around the world liked your music." I say but then realise that probably sounded very offensive. "Oh god I don't mean it like that!" I quickly say, "I mean I thought you were only big in the UK and America, I never realised that many counties in Europe supported you guys." I say hopefully saving myself.

Brad chuckles lightly before finishing his drink. "I know what you meant and yeah it's crazy to think how many people around the world know our music. Every year there's a new country added to the tour which is amazing." Brad says happily.

"Where's one place that you really want to go on tour to." I ask

"We've been to Australia and New Zealand but not in a few years so it would be great to go back there." Brad smiles.

"I've always wanted to go to Australia." I say quietly.

"Maybe when we go there on tour you can come?" Brad asks looking across the table at me.

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