8. "Brad, what are you doing?"

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I wake up at 5am to my alarm going off on my phone. I jump out of bed and throw on my leggings and oversized hoodie. It's way too early to have breakfast so I brush my teeth and put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my suitcase. As I'm walking out of my bedroom I see Brad doing the same. I attempt to take my suitcase down the stairs but Brad insists on taking it for me.

What a gentleman.

He puts our suitcases by the front door and we head into the living room while we wait for our parents to come down.

It's like 5.30am now and I'm not tired at all because I have had a 13 hour sleep. I don't know how it happened and I swear I wasn't even that tired. However I look over to the other sofa and I see Brad asleep. I don't disturb him because I know he's still got bad jet lag and we're still waiting for our parents to come down so I let him sleep for a bit to buy some time.

I get my phone out to text Ella.

'Hey we're just about to head to the airport, I know you won't be awake yet but I'll miss you! See you when I'm back! Soph xxx'

Once I've sent the message I hear my mum and Derek coming down the stairs, I nudge Brad on his arm and then start to mess his hair up to wake him up.

"Get off" Brad mumbles to me under his sleepy voice.

"Come on, or we'll leave without you" I say to him

Brad slowly gets up from the sofa and retouches his hair to put it back to how it looked before I messed with it.


We arrive at the airport with not much time to spare. We hand in our bags and head to the restaurants. We get a quick breakfast as none of us have eaten and we suddenly hear our flight being called.

"Flight to Tenerife at gate 15 this is the final call" a voice says throughout the speakers in the airport.

We pre-paid when we arrived at the restaurant to make it quicker as we knew we would be cutting it fine with the time.

We all stand up and run to gate 15, it looks like they're just waiting for us so we show them our passports and boarding passes and we get on the plane. I'm sitting in the window seat next to Brad who has some other guy next to him whilst my mum and Derek are a few rows in front of us.

Brad immediately falls asleep on the plane and I'm so jealous of him. I've had a fear of flights ever since I was young, I'm not sure what triggered it but I now have a panic attack every time the plane takes off.

As I've gotten older I've learnt to control my panic attack's which helps because if I'm to go to France with Ella, we will have to get the plane by ourselves and I don't want Ella to panic if she sees me upset because she won't know what to do with me.

I put on my headphones and read a book. Nothing is playing through the headphones but it blocks out the sound of other passengers which helps me focus.

The flight to Tenerife is about 4hours and I am so desperate for the toilet. Brad is still asleep and I don't want to wake him. Instead I just ask the man on the end of our row of 3 to stand up as I think of a way to get past Brad. I end up with going for the 'stand up and walk sideways so your arse is in his face but thankfully he's asleep so it doesn't matter' option.

When I come back from the toilet I see Brad is awake and has just been handed a bottle of water from the air hostess. The man on the end stands up again so I can get past and back to my seat. When I'm in front of Brad and scooting along to reach my seat we hit some turbulence which sends me down to fall into Brad's lap.

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