3. "They're here!"

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Me and Ella sleep in after the concert until lunchtime the next day. When she wakes up she has breakfast and leaves almost immediately. I give her a lift home and on the way back I get a coffee from Costa drive through because a) I'm dressed like a tramp and don't want to get out of my car and b) I need coffee to wake me up properly.

When I get back home my mum is out shopping so I go up to bed with my dogs and try to go back to sleep as we didn't get back til late last night.

I wake up from what I thought was a 20 minute nap but was actually a 3 hour nap. I get woken by my dogs barking to the front door as my mum comes home. I go downstairs to see my mum and notice she's carrying a lot of shopping bags.

"Do you really need all of that?" I ask my mum

"Some of it is for you." My mum replies whilst going to and from the car bringing in bags.

I'm confused because she never buys me clothes unless it's my birthday or Christmas.

"What for? You're not marrying this guy already" I say whilst laughing "you don't need all of these dresses."

She just looks at me and rolls her eyes at me "He's coming over for dinner tomorrow night with his son. I thought it would be nice to make an effort and it's the perfect time as you don't have school anymore."

"Okay sounds good" I say in reply, "can I know this man's name just so it's not awkward when he comes as I'm sure he knows about me."

"He's called Derek"

Derek, that's easy to remember.

I go upstairs and try on a few of the dresses my mum got me in preparation for tomorrow night. I decide on a short floaty summer dress with a pair of black heels but they're not too high as we're in our own house and after a while I will probably end up taking them off anyway.


I wake up at 11am the next day and check my phone to have a text from my mum telling me she is at the shops getting food for tonight. I presume she is cooking for all of us which isn't a surprise as she home cooks meals every night.

I don't get ready until 5pm as I'm told that Derek and his son aren't coming until 7 which gives me plenty of time to get ready. And anyway this will probably be the only time I need to make an effort as it will be like a new dad and brother if Derek and my mum's relationship gets serious and I don't need to make an effort then. This is just a one time thing.

Before I know it the doorbell rings and the dogs start barking. I'm guessing this is signalling the fact that Derek and her son are here.

"They're here!" My mum shouts up the stairs.

I finish curling my hair and I run my fingers through it so it's more wavy, I spray some of my Prada Candy perfume and make my way downstairs. I can only hear my mum and Derek talking so I presume either his son is very quiet and not involving himself into the conversation or he's not here. I kind of hope he's not here because I'm more nervous than I thought I would be.

I take a deep breath and walk into the living room. I see Derek and my mum sitting on the sofa.

"Hey I'm Sophie, I've heard a lot about you."

He shakes my hand - which I thought was very formal - and says "yes, hello Sophie, I'm Derek."

"Sophie take a seat on the sofa, Derek's son is just getting a drink from the kitchen. He'll be in soon." As my mum said this, my heart beats faster and faster. I hear the door creak open and I turn around.

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