7. "Is she coming?"

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I have been texting Brad on and off about various things whilst he's been in America but I haven't mentioned the holiday. I don't know if he knows and I don't really want to spring something up on him like that as I don't want to be the one to get the bad reaction.

I don't know when he's coming back all I do know is it has to be within the next week because that's when we're going away.


I wake up to the dogs barking and lots of "I missed you!" Being said downstairs. I thought nothing of it and I sorta thought it was in a dream so I went back to sleep.

When I wake up the second time it's 11:45am and so I get up and head to the bathroom, I then shove on an oversized hoodie - because who doesn't love big hoodies - over the top of my pj shorts and walk downstairs.

I'm going so slowly because I'm still half asleep. I can't make out the words that are coming from the living room, it just sounds like murmurs.

I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water and head into the living room where the voices are coming from. I walk in to see my mum, Derek and Brad all sitting on the sofa talking. Why does he have to see me looking like THIS? Uggghhh!

"Is she coming?" Brad says as he turns around and points at me. Does he have super hearing or something? I was being as quiet as I could.

"Brad don't be rude." Derek says to him.

"Yes she is is that okay?" My mum says in reply.

"Yeah that's great, I can get to know my possible future stepsister." Brad says as he turns around and smiles at me.

I sit on the armchair and sip my water. I'm not the best person to talk to before around 2pm so I advise people just to leave me alone til then. I can get very moody if I'm talked to too early in the morning.

I sit in the chair and just listen to the conversation going on between my mum, Derek and Brad. They're talking about everything Brad and the boys did whilst they were in America. Where they went, what they did, where they stayed. Everything you would normally ask someone after they come back from holiday.

It's been about half an hour and I go back into the kitchen and get myself breakfast. I pour lucky charms into a bowl and get the milk out of the fridge. When I shut the fridge door I see Brad leaning against it.

"Fucking hell Brad!" I shout at him while I hit his arm. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

He just stands there crossed arms, laughing to himself.

"It's not funny, you almost gave me a fucking heart attack" I say to him.

"Did you miss me?" He says as he comes from behind me and puts his arms around my neck.

I swat him away like he's an annoying fly. I can't have him tease me like this.

"In your dreams." I say back to him.

"So this holiday is going to be fun" Brad says as he winks at me.

I roll my eyes at him "Yeah if you mean hiking and boat trips. Then sure."

"Your mum said that me and you can choose what we do for the holiday. And she said we can go off and do our own stuff." Brad smirks at me.

Why does he do this to me. He knows it's winding me up.

"That's generous of her. I guess but what did she mean by we can go and do our own stuff?" I say curiously while moving to sit on the stool at the island and put my bowl on the table in front of me.

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