Chapter 1: Unnatural Selection

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Last Modified 12/8/20

Annoyed and engage consume you as you walk to your brand new school. The mere thought of going to it pisses you off so much. You truly hated school. You always thought schools had no purpose to their lectures and teaching. For you, schools were all about sitting around and listening to an older man lecturing about a subject that you won't even need in life. It was a huge waste of your time. You have been in 10 different schools since the 5th grade because of your condescending attitude and your failing grade, which made you constantly transferring in and out of school. Now here you are again, in the same position you were in at your last school. A school that claims to teach all students to be successful and be role models for their community. That's what the last school said, and you purposely flanked to torment your teachers again. You were just 19 years old girl and still in your senior year of high school, just waiting for the opportunity to drop out. 

The thing is... the reason you hated school was not because you weren't lazy. Hell, you weren't even dumb. You just legit thought school didn't benefit anything for you. All you really wanted in life is to be free, and schools didn't provide that freedom. It transforms young kids into mindless soldiers to follow orders to their commanding officers without questioning them. That logic felt like hell.

You took a deep breath in and felt your soul ache from your ranting thoughts. Surely, this new school can be the school that you won't suffer. Let this school actually be what they claim to be. Just let one teacher inspire you to follow your dreams. 

You took a deep breath out. You looked at your watch to see you were 10 minutes late for your first-period class. This didn't bother though. You kept walking casually and admire the environment around you—the perfect green grass. The birds chirping and singing on some nearby trees that appear to be very healthy and fresh. The huge blue skies gleaming over you without a cloud in sight. The animals running around fooling with one another and eating fresh fruit. The wind blowing on your face, making your hair flow beautifully with it. This was your only freedom. This is what you enjoyed the most about your new home. It was full of nature and wildlife. You felt calm and peaceful for once in your life when you first moved here. This new town, this new place was everything you ever dream of living in one day. You loved this lovely place called Dreamland.


You froze in place as you stared up and down at your new high school. It was quite small, with shades of blue and grey painted nicely and orderly around the building. It wasn't that bad looking; it was quite beautiful, actually. There was a sign of the school's name at the top of the building, Dream Royal. It was a weird choice of name, but that didn't bother you. Right off the bat, the thing you hated at this school already is that you had to wear blue and grey uniforms that match the school's color. You hated these types of schools that provided uniforms. You assume who the hell cares what you wear. You're here to learn, not hosting a fashion show. You had to wear a light blue undershirt with a navy vest that needed a black tie and some grey checkered skirt for the girl while the boys wore grey pants.

You sighed in frustration; this school will not be the school you wanted it to be. A school that actually let students express themselves and teach them useful things that need to be learned in life. A school where they let you be the person you want to be, instead of what you have to be. This was not the school for you, and for that, you need to stand up for yourself. You needed to rebel to keep your freedom. To start your mission, you didn't wear a uniform. You wore clothes that better fit your morals. You wore your own clothes.

You started to walk up the stairs of your high school and opened the doors. You walked in and saw a woman sitting behind a desk, writing and looking over some paperwork in a spacious room covered with beautiful furniture and plants. She had black hair that was wrapped up in a bun. She wore a blue dressing shirt with a black pencil skirt and high heels. She looks stunning at her age, which appears to be in her late 20 or early 30. You walked up to her and cleared your throat.

"Hey, there. I'm a new student at this school (Y/n) (L/N). I was wonder where can I find my math class in room A012?" You said, pulling out a paper that had all of your classes and their schedules. She stops her work and stares at you discontentedly.

"It's your first day at Dream Royal High School, and you are 16 minutes late, Missy." She points out in a rough and annoy voice.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, Lady. If you only tell or show me to my math class, then I won't be even later than I am right now." You said in the same voice as her's. This was you most of the time, being sassy and making trouble. You only do this to people who really annoy you. People, you don't like. But in actuality, you are a truthful and honest person. You care about people's well being and show kindness to people who really deserve it. You weren't a bad or mean person, per se. You like to fool around at times.

The woman stared at you for a while with an emotionless face—a minute passed by until the woman smiled at you contently.

"I can tell you, and I are going to get along very nicely." She declared, putting her fingers under her chin as she gave you a smug look. You smirked at her sudden change of attitude. "I bet." You answered back. The woman got up from her seat and gestured for you to follow her.

"Since there is no point in going to your first-period class. I'll show you around the school and tell you the history behind it." She insisted. "Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Catherine Rain. But just for you, you can call me Cathy." She said in a sassy tone. The way she spoke to you right now, you knew the two of you would be friends. You both walked along to some hallways that had lockers and some doors on the side. They all have that blue and grey colors like everything else in the school.

"As you may already know, Dream Royal High School was formed when the fall of Nightmare Enterprise was destroyed along with their ringleader Lord Nightmare. Along with its leader, the company was destroyed by the Star Warrior name Kirby and his friends. But the person responsible for leading the attack on Nightmare was the brave and courageous Star Warrior named Sir Meta Knight. Kirby and his two beloved best friends, Tiffany and Tuff Ebrum attend Dream Royal Elementary School. For the past year since Dream Royal was open, it became quite a successful school for the many thanks of Sir Meta Knight, who became a teacher after the fall of Nightmare Enterprise. With his help and distribution, mostly all of our student is passing and graduating with flying colors." She explains. You huffed at the exposition that Cathy has loaded you with. You frankly didn't care, but since she was so kind to you at the moment. You have to show some interest.

"If this school is as great as you claim to say, then why does the high school look like it's only has a hand full of students attending?" You asked.

"Well, you see, Ms. (L/n). We only accept the best students to partake in this school and those who are willing to learn. We have a waiting list of thousands of children and teenagers who are willing to enter in Dream Royal."

"The best? Willing to learn? Are you guys all brain dead or something? I am not one of those students. Haven't you even read my transcript?" You laughed—Cathy tisks very loudly at your rude response.

"I'm aware of that, Ms. (L/n). But it seems that the school faculty decided to let you enter this school instead of the many successful students that rightfully deserve to enter here. Maybe they took pity on you because you were dumb and lazy. If I were you, I'd be grateful that a school like this even allows me to study here." She admits in a sassy tone. You stopped at your track and looked at her angrily. She took notice and stop to look back on you.

"I am not dumb nor lazy. I just don't give a damn about school. Besides, I won't let them sway me over with their stupid lectures." You expressed. Cathy laughed at your dedication and walked closer to you. She put a hand on your shoulder, smiling at you.

"I admire your personality, girl. But they are going to make you a Grade. A. Student, rather you like it or not. This school will break you, and the person responsible for your transformation will be Sir Meta Knight."

You stared at her very fearful about your future and your dreams in this paradise that you have been longing to have. Will it be taken away from you just like that by this Sir Meta Knight guy?

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