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Upon arrival Nate’s cell phone buzzed in his back pocket. He whipped it out and opened a text message from Hayley.  

From: Hayley

Hey Nate, thinking about you and Lewis, send him my love. Miss you Babe.

Nate quickly typed back a message.

To: Hayley

Hey Angel, I miss you too; need to tell you something, plans for tomorrow? Love Me.

He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and hopped off the bike.

“Hayley send’s her love.” Nate said to Lewis as they walked up to the front door. Lewis had the note from his mother in his hand and he was bobbing his head to and fro nervously.

“You going to open it?” Lewis looked up at Nate, completely spaced out. He glanced back down at the crumpling paper in his hand and then shook and nodded his head.

“Are you afraid?” Lewis sighed and hung his head.

“Yeah, I am.” Nate pulled Lewis into a hug. Lewis was slightly rigid at first but then relaxed.

“I’m here for you man.” Nate said softly.

“Thanks Nate.” Lewis mumbled and then let go of him gently.

Lewis sat on the bed, staring down at the little, folded piece of paper, debating on whether to open it or not. Eventually he slowly unfolded and swept his eyes over the writing. Soon he was in tears.

Nate sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulders, allowing Lewis to cry on him. He breathed in and out heavily and in time, fell sound asleep on Nate. Nate eased him down onto the pillows and threw a blanket over him. Nate picked up the note slowly and ever so cautiously, trying not to stir Lewis from his much needed rest.

Nate could feel himself shaking as he held the piece of paper in his hand. Nate walked downstairs and sat on the bottom step. It was already dark outside and there was no hope of his father coming home anytime soon. Nate placed the note on his knees and began to read, he was surprised how much writing there was on it for such a small page. Lewis’ mother’s unforgettable handwriting was scrawled across the faint black lines.



Lewis, my Baby Boy.

 I am sincerely sorry. I wish I could have held on a little bit longer just to see your beautiful face one more time before I had to go...I am so proud of you my boy, you have such an amazing personality, you are kind hearted and I want you to know that I love you very much and that I always will. Always. I know it’s a long time but you mean so much to me. You were so good to me, I am sorry I am leaving you behind without your father, you know that it was never his choice to leave us, and I am sure he thinks of you every day. Your Uncle Will, from England will be coming down to look after you. I know you don’t really get along with him but just try and behave, I know you will be alright. Look how far you have got? I am so proud of you Lewis. Karla is a great girl, she seems to really like you. Tell Hayley that I will miss her? She is an angel. Keep your friends close, this is the time you will need them most. Nathan, if you by any chance see this, look after my boy. Keep him in line. I hope you two go very far with your lives. Mine has been the happiest. I had you, the only thing I needed to keep me going. I have told the Doctor to keep this note for you, I made the decision of being taken off of the life-support machine, I didn’t want you to be here to see it happen but I will miss you until my last heartbeat beats. Angels watch over you My Child.

Love Mom

Nate sniffed and wiped away his tears. He realised that Lewis was left with nothing. Absolutely nothing, no family to fall back on. Nate was distraught because his brother and mother left but at least he still had his drunken dad. Lewis didn’t even have that. His closest, next relative lived in England. Nate pulled out his phone and dialled Hayley’s number.

“Hey Nate, are you alright?”

“Yeah, I am. I just need to see you, can you come over?”

“Of course, I’ll be over in twenty.”

“Thanks Hayz. Bye”

Nate hung up and sighed loudly. He walked upstairs and placed the letter on his bedside table. Lewis let out soft snores. Nate smiled at him and ran his hand through Lewis’ hair. Lewis’ nose wrinkled and then went back to normal, letting out slightly louder snores.

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