Meet the princess

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Jun p.o.v

I woke up to hear the birds chirping outside my window. The sun shone through my curtains, tellimg me to wake up and start the day.

I sit up in my bed and streched my arms into the air, feeling refreshed for the day.

I looked at the clock on my desk to see the time '6:30' it said. I had to be at school in about an hour and fifteen minutes. I quickly took a shower, got dressed and and went into the kitchen to get breakfast.

3rd p.o.v

A boy walked passed a football field with a backpack on his shoulder. He looked over to see the other students playing catch with a ball. While he watching, he was suddenly knocked down by another person.

"Ow, watch where you're going kid!" A voice cried as the boy landed.

He looked up to see a girl with a green uniform on, showing that she was a highschooler.

She was tall and had a head full of messy reddish brown hair.

"Sorry about that I was distracted by the other kids." The boy apologized

"Yeah I get distracted too" the girl said, "sorry about knocking you over, i was in a rush." She noticed a white hat on the ground, she picked it up, "I believe this belongs to you." The boy gladly took the hat from the girl.

"Thanks alot, my names TK by the way. Whats yours?" The boy, TK, asked.

"Name's Jun. Jun Motomiya." She reached out to shake the boy's hand, but was interrupted by the bell ringing. The two kids quickly said goodbye and ran to their classes.

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A girl with short brown hair and a pink outfit was sitting in a classroom, when the teacher came in holding the things necessary to teach the class.

"Alright students settle down," the teacher said, the class quickly went silent, "Now before we begin, I have to introduce a new student, come in now."

The boy from earlier came through the door, "Hi everyone," he said with a smile, "My name's Tk."

The students replied with a 'hi'.

"Now then, you can sit besides the girl with the camera around her neck. Kari please raise your hand."

The girl in pink, Kari, raised her hand and smiled at Tk. Tk smiled as he took his seat, "Together again, huh Kari?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun."

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The day went on slowly, until finally the last class ended.

Tk and Kari were talking as the waked towards the front door of the school.

"Heeeeeyyyyy!" A voiced yelled down the hall. Tk and Kari turned around to see a girl running towards them.

When she stopped she was panting out of breath, she lifted her head up, revealing tired eyes begind large round glasses

"Are you Kari Kamiya?" Kari nodded, "this is for you." The girl handed Kari a piece of paper.

Kari took the paper and read it, a wave of fear came over her, "Tai's I, trouble." She, Tk and the girl in glasses raced over to the computer room.

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At the same time, a boy with large goggles on his over grown brown hair, was running towards a voice, yelling his name.

"Tai, are you here?" The boy ran faster towards the voice. When he got to the voice, he spotted an old friend.

A small orange dino was infront of him, "Agumon!" The boy yelled

The orange dino turned and ran into the arms of the brown haired boy. They both smiled

"I'm glad you're okay agumon." The boy, Tai said in relief. The orange dino laughed.

Tai and agumon walked towards a cave, in the cave was a white cat with gloves and purple markings, and an orange hamster creature with bat like wings flying in the air.

"It's good to see you again Tai." The cat said with a smile.

Tai looked away from the creatures anf spotted an object, with a spike through the top, in the center of the cave.

Tai walked over and touched the top. Suddenly four lights came out from the object, three of the lights sped off, while a golden light stayed in place.

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Jun motomiya was just about to leave the school, when she felt something warm come from her chest.

She reached into her shirt and pulled out the blue stone her father had given her. The stone was glowing. She smiled widely and ran towards the computer room.

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Kari, Tk and the other girl arrived at the computer not too long ago, suddenly, a small boy came into the room, asking for Yolei, revealing the other girl's name. She had forgotten a promise to fix the boys computer.

After they left, Kari and Tk with the head of the computer club, but as they were talking, another visitor rushed into the room.

Jun Motomiya raced into the room to see three more people, "You three must be digudestined." She said, shicking the three.

"How do you know about us?" Tk asked her.

"My entire family knows about you guys," she replied, "but I'll explain the rest later, right now we need to get to the digital world.

Suddenly, three lights came out from the computer. A blue light landed softly in Jun's hands, while a yellow and a red lught sped off into the hall.

Wheb the light died down it was revealed to be a brand new digivice. She smiled, "I can safely say this grants me passage."

The computer beeped rapidly and lit up brightly, Jun held up the digivice and she, Kari and Tk were sucked into the computer

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Kari and Tk landed hard on the grass, while Jun touched softly on the ground. Kari and Tk looked at Jun to see a shocking change in her wardrobe

AN (think of Daisuke's outfit but silver where the blue is and shiny lavender where the red is)

They walked around for little bit, encountering a vending machine filled with numemon.

"Kari!" "Tk" two voices called through the forest. The same two creatures from the cave with Tai ran towards Kari and Tk, the hamster jumped towards Tk and the cat towards Kari.

Jun smiled and held the glowing stone in her hand, 'I'll finally be able to see you again, Dai'

Line break=======

To be continued

Whew, over 1000 words. Not bad for a first chaptee, huh?

I hope you continue to read this story

I'll update soon, bye for now.

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