Invasion of Daemon

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Yo what's up everybody?! For those who are reading this story to the end, I thank you.

I hope that we can make it to 400 reads soon, but before that happens, please enjoy this chapter.

On with the story!

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"We've finally made it back home!" Jun said happily as she spread her arms to the sky.

Yolei looked down in depression, "I wish i had brought home a Russian souvenir." She said sadly, "Give me a bowl of borscht and a hot peruski."

"I think I'll catch some food at home." Tai said, "But what about Daisuke?" Kari asked, turning over to sleeping girl in Sam's arms.

The pain in her chest had passed, but she was still asleep. Sam offered to carry her bridal style to her house.

"She felt something bad on our way here," Kari continued, "And I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen here soon."

Tk nodded in agreement, "Diddo," he said, "Arukenimon's too evil to just give up."

"And don't forget about Chernobogmon," Tai added, "he's the embodiment of evil itself, he won't give up until he has Daisuke."

"Well then i guess I'm doomed." Leila said, "If Chernobogmon wants my sister, then I'll fight to keep her safe."

The group stared at Leila like she'd grown a second head.

Everyone suddenly burst into laughs, confused the black haired girl.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

Tai smiled, "It's just that, you've read our minds with that statement."

Ken picked up Wormmon and walked over to his brother, "Sam," he said, "I'm heading home now, come back soon for dinner."

Sam nodded, but quickly looked down when he felt the girl in his arms shift.

Everyone noticed the slight movement and watched as her gilden eyes fluttered open.

"Sam," she whispered, "You should go home with your brother. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" The boy asked, "You were asleep for a while after that sudden pain on Imperialdramon."

Daisuke nodded with a small smile, she signaled Sam to put her down. As her feet touched the sidewalk, she quickly gained her balance.

"We'll see you soon." She said as they walked home.

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Daisuke and her sisters came home and into the warm arms of their mother.

"Im so glad the three of you are alright." Mrs Motomiya said through her tears.

The girls sat down in the living room, while their mother made dinner.

"Daisuke," the woman said, "I met someone very odd today."

Daisuke turned to her mother, "What did they say?" She asked.

The woman put her finger to chin in thought, "There were two men. One was pale and had long dark hair, he wore a long coat too. The other was a tall man just as pale as the first. He had short black hair and a strange look in his eyes. I think they know who you are."

Daisuke was shocked by this. People other than the digidestined who knew who she was? Impossible. Unless.....

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Ken and Sam both returned home, but not to create a panick in their house, wormmon scaled the side of the building.

Wormmon climbed over the terrance and through the window as the boys went into Ken's room.

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