New life and a dark plan

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Heeeellllloooooo everyone! Thanks for coming back for another chapter!

Please continue to read and comment, I'd love to hear your opinions on my writing.

Don't forget to vote for the pairing.😄

Enjoy the story.

Story start=======

Leila stepped carefully onto the cold floor of the computer room. She made way for the others to come through the computer.

As the others scrambled out of the pile they landed in, Leila looked out the window at the setting sun.

The beautiful shades of red, yellow, pink, purple and orange mesmorized her.

"The world you live in," she said, turning to see the others smiling at her, "Is a beautiful place."

Jun walked up to Leila and placed a hand in her shoulder, "Welcome to earth, Leila." She said.

Jun turned to Veemon and said to explain everything to them.

"I can't tell you here," Veemon said, "We can talk at Jun's house." They all went to Jun's apartment and settled down for an explanation.

Leila marveled at the sights and everything the world had. She had dreampt of this world, since she was once part Kiseki, she had dreampt what she dreamt.

Line break==========

Everyone sat in Jun's room, Veemon sat on the bed, ready to say everything he knew about the dark shadow, amd the golden rose.

"I don't know much," he said, "but the darkness is hunting down Kiseki, and no doubt that they took her."

"What do they want with Daisuke?" Kari asked.

"Who is behind the darkness?" Tai asked.

"What's the golden rose?" Cody asked.

Veemon took a deep breath and let it out, "The dark digimon who fought with Angelicmon all those centuries ago, is the same digimon who took Kiseki. Chernobogmon took my princess."

The group gasped, they had a theory, but they never thought it to be true.

"Chernobogmon wants to use Kiseki's power, that way, he can use it to take what he thinks belongs to him. The digital world." He took a breath and sighed.

"As for the golden rose, that's Kiseki's medium." The group was confused, even Jun and Leila, "You see, Kiseki can manifest her spirit and soul into a rose colored gold. That's what happened today. She can also create miracles, such as turning Leila human."

"Okay," Yolei trailed off, "So Daisuke has these powers to make anything happen?"

Veemon nodded, "Her Father, my master Angelicmon, was born with this power. When he was fatally wounded, he didn't have much time, so he passed on his life and power into Kiseki."

"How powerful is my little sister?" Jun asked.

"She's more powerful than the god digimon," Veemon replied, "Her power of miracles was already more powerful than a mega digimon and her own father's power. But with the added power from Angelicmon, she became too powerful for Chernobogmon to ignore."

"That still doesn't explain much about what'll happen to her after her power is gone." Tk said.

Veemon felt loke he was going to cry, "If that power is taken from her....... Kiseki won't be able to live for long. The golden rose is wilting, and so is Kiseki's life."

The room was silent for moment, until Leila stood.

"I swear on my newly given life," she said, a tear falling down her cheek, "That I will help all of you get Kiseki back!"

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