Run into the digital world

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Heeeellllloooooo everybody!! I'm back again with a new chapter😁.

Thank you to all those who have read the story this far, your reads help a lot when writing my stories.

Anyway.... Enjoy the chapter.


It was a beautiful day in the digital world, and all the digidestined were surveying different areas for the digimon emperor.

Tai, Kari and their digimon went looking through the forest, "I hope we find the emperor soon," Tai said, "I wonder how the others are doing?" Kari asked.

Matt, Yolei, and Tk, along with their digimon, were watching for the emperor at tue cliffs near the ocean. Unfortunately, their efforts of finding the emperor were all for not.

Cody was findung it hard to climb up the steep hill full of trains. He slipped and slid down the hill, before Izzy grabbed him by the arm.

"Are you okay Cody?" Izzy asked the small boy.

Cody nodded yes, he looked down at his pocket and saw that the black amd gold rose was unharmed.

Ever they found out how little time Daisuke had left, Jun insisted that Cody hold onto the rose.

It is true that Cody had grown attached to Daisuke, and he felt close to her when he had the rose close by.

They continued to climb, but they saw over the hill was a terrifying sight.

A valley filled with hundreds of control spires could be seen, and plenty of controlled digimon too.

The controlled digimon attacked the innocent digimon below, when a darktyrannomon spotted them.

Izzy and Cody quickly ducked down, but it was too late, a digimon spotted them and flew to the hill.

Armadillomon quickly armordigivolved into digmon to fight. While digmon was fighting, Izzy and Cody slid down tue hill with Tentomon.

Izzy's digivice started beeping wildly, when out of the corner of their eyes, a black digimon came into sight. Ken riding on its back.

Tentomon tried to digivolve, but it was no use, Ken used his black D-3 to stop the digivolution.

"Wherr are you hiding Daisuke you monster?!" Cody yelled, Ken just smirked and replied, "You should know that I will keep her until she gives me what i need."

Cody growled at the boy, "Let her go!" Ken laughed again.

"If you want her so badly," he said, "You'll just have to find my base first. When you defeat me, I'll let her go. If she isn't already dead yet!" He laughed at his words, flying closer to his base.

"Don't run away from us!" Izzy yelled.

"Don't run away from us!" A voice said in the back of Ken's mind. The voice was female, and sounded familiar to him, but it was faint and laughter wqs behind it.

Before Cody and Izzy could say anything else, the ground caved in and Digmon was at the bottom.

Line break==========

Leila and Jun, with Cubmon, Veemon and Renamon, were wandering a flower field on their own mission. Finding Daisuke.

Leila was sitting in the flowers taking a rest from their search, suddenly, she felt something come their way.

She turned around and saw the boy in the black cloak, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

The boy was covered in dark shadows, red eyes could be seen glowing from under his hood.

Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now