A past enemy

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heeeeellllllooooooo everybody!!!!

The next chapter is here!!

Remember to vote and continue to read on.

Thanks for reading so far, enjoy the story.

Italics. Flashback events and speech

Bold. The dark voice
======Story start======

The group came back, but none were happy about the events that took place in the digital world.

They looked for hours for Kiseki, but no such luck.

When they appeared out of the computer, they were shocked to see Jun standing there. By her side was Renamon, in the same position as her partner.

Her arms were ceossed over her chest and she had a death glare in her eyes.

"Give me the details on my missing sister." Her voice like ice as she looked at the group.

Veemon walked up to Jun, she knelt down and grabbed the digimon's shoulders.

"I'm sorry Jun," he said, "I should've went with her. I should've followed her into the forest. I'm........sorry.......I failed.........my master......." He managed to speak through the tears falling down his cheeks.

Jun hugged Veemon tightly, whispering comforting words to calm him down.

Yolei, Mimi and Hawkmon all had faces filled with regret, sorrow and guilt.

Jun released Veemon from the hug and stood up.

"You all have explaining to do." She said, "Follow me. You'll explain when we get there."

They followed Jun in silence. Veemon was lagging behind, Renamon walking beside him.

"What was the last thing she said to you?" She asked, quiet enough so the others wouldn't hear.

"He's back, amd I think she's with him."

Renamon showed no emotion, but on the inside, she was afraid and panicking.

Line break==========

The group, minus Mimi, she had to leave for home, arrived at Jun and Daisuke's apartment, the girls mother was sitting on the couch.

The woman heard the footsteps of the children and wiped the tearstains from her cheeks.

"What happened to my daughter?" She yeled to the group.

No one spoke, except for one. Jun.

"Now," she said, "it's time for answers. What happened today in the digital world?"

She walked over to the couch next to her mother, and sat down, awaiting the group's answer.

Yolei and Mimi told of how they were running after Hawkmon, the dark forest and how Daisuke came to find them.

By the time they stopped telling the tale, the others were silent and Kari had tears brimming in her eyes.

Jun let out a breathe that she didn't know she was holding, "Mom, Veemon," she said, "it's time to tell them the truth."

The others were confused on what she said. But when Veemon stood up and walked towards the middle of room, they were about to get their questions answered.

Veemon closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal, not tue crimson they knew, but pupiless white eyes.

"Everyone," he said, his voice sending shivers down everyone's spines, "Lay you hand on me, and take look into the past."

Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now