Guardian Angel

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Heeeelllllooooooo everyone. I'm back again.

Hope you vote soon on the pairing. Before I continue, I'd like to say thanks to those who are reading.

Without further ado, please enjoy another chapter on the digimon princess.

=======story start=========

Aftee finding nore about Daisuke, the second generation digidestined had to do whatever it took to get her back safe and sound.

The only way to that, was to continue ridding the digtal world of its control spires. Hopefully the thing that had taken Daisuke would find them.

The day was like the rest before she went missing. The group of digidestined were knocking down a control spire in the rocky hills.

This time the older digidestined, Tai, Matt and Sora, were helping them in different areas with their digimon.

While in the real world, Jun, Izzy, and Renamon were monitering their progress.

"Thats twelve more spures down." Izzy exclaimed, watching the white blink on the map.

The others came back to rest for a little bit.

"Hold on guys," Jun said, "there's still one more spire to destroy today.

"Maybe Greymon can get it." Matt said

"No can do Matt," Tai replied, "He's too far from that area."

"Dont worry," Yolei said with a smile, "we'll destroy it ourselves."

"Before you go," Jun said, almost hesistating with her sentence, "Have you not heard anything on Dai?"

The room was suddenly filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

"Nothing yet on where she is," Tk said, "But while we destroy the spires, we do a scan for her every time."

Jun nodded sadly, she looked at Veemon and saw the sadness in his eyes as well.

Line break========

The emperor sat in his screen room, his beloved empress in a seat next to him.

"My emperor," she said, "the digidestined have invaded our territory again."

The boy watched the screen, showing the group nearby a large domed city.

"Indeed my dear," he said with a hollow chuckle, "but I have an idea. Ive kept you cooped up in here for too long. Why dont you go and stretch your wings."

The empress smiled and quuckly embraced the emperor in a hug.

"Thank you, i promise to make sure that they dont mess with our plans again."

With that, she ran out to catch some freedom.

Line break==========

The others were inside the city, multiple guardromon were attacking the armored digimon.

Digmon used his gold rush, but the guardromon were made of thick metal, in short the drills not even a scratch.

Pegasusmon was high in the air, his star shower making as much damage as Digmon's attack.

And the fires of Kairosmon's pyro bombs left not a burn nor any other tyoe of damage.

Veemon, without his partner and princess, couldn't fight at full power, but he still hit them with his vee-headbutt.

Though the attacked digimon stopped when hit, there were too many to fight.

"There's must be a hundred of them." Jun yelled

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