Oikawa's shame

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Yo what's up everybody?! Only a few more chapters until the story ends.

Thank you so much for gettung this story up to 400 reads!! My other stories will be continued after this one is completed.

So with no more announcements, lets begin the chapter.

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The digidestined and princess were waiting at the bridge with Tsukina and Akina.

"This supposed to be the meeting place." Tsukina said.

"If that's the case then where is everybody?" Jun asked.

Suddenly, their vision was blocked by the passing people, a child appeared on the bridge. It was thr little boy who spoke to Ken in the truck.

"Look there's one of them now." Kari said as another person blocked their vision.

"And there's another one too." Izzy said.

"They must be waiting for something." Cody inquired.

"Do You think they're waiting for Oikawa?" Kari asked.

"That's exactly who they're waiting for," Tsukina said, "We were told to come back here when the time was right."

"Well that's perfect," Cody said, "This will be our best opportunity to catch him."

"No Cody," Leila said, "We mustn't rush into these things."

"So tell me again why they came here?" Sam asked.

"A digital gate has been opened here many times in the past," Daisuke said, "In fact, before we were born, this was the gate my father came through many times when visiting my mother."

"But from what Gabumon and the others said, Blackwargreymon completely sealed the gate between the worlds," Matt said, "Unless those children don't know it yet."

"Then Oikawa doesn't know that either." Cody said.

Meanwhile, Tai, Sora and agumon followed Noriko, in order to make sure that nothing bad would happen to her.

Back with the others, Izzy's phone rang, and the boy answered it.

As soon as he answered, his mother's voice came through, telling the boy that she was at Highton View Terrance. Their exact location.

Izzy panicked, looking iver the railing, he saw his mom in the phone booth nearby.

"Mom what're you doing here?" The red haired boy asked.

"Well you see," Izzy's mom said, "I was thinking about the fact that the other parents are soing their part to help you kids, so I sat right down and asked myself 'whats my expertise?' Amd that's when it hit me. Snacks. So I whipped up sone PB and J with the crust cut off."

Izzy to say the least looked slightly embarrassed, "PB and J?!" Izzy said while the digimon snickered, only to be silenced by their princess.

"Daisuke also called me while you were working in your room. She told me that she was making sweets and asked if I could take them with me when you left." Izzy, without hesitation, ran down to grab the sandwiches and sweets. Mainly he went for the sweets.

"Don't you think," Kari said sadly, "that everything about the digital world is just getting worse?"

The group dropped their heads, except for Daisuke, "I mean we don't even know what Oikawa is thinking, and we for sure can't tell what Chernobogmon will do to Diasuke to rule the digital world." Kari continued, "I wonder if there really is anything we xan do to save those children."

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