The Kyoto Shadows

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Heeelllllloooooo everybody!!!!!!!!! Lets get to it, I'm back again with another chpater update.

Be sure to follow the story for more updates and please comment and vote on this story. It gives me that extra push to keep writing.

Anyway, onto the story

Story............ Start

The fresh autumn leaves stood high in the trees of Kyoto, where Yolei had just arrived in.

"Finally," she yelled happily, "I'm in Kyoto!" She called over to her group in order to catch the bus.

On the bus, she played cards with her friends and wrote to poromon and Izzy.

"Hey poromon and Izzy, how's it going?" She wrote in her letter, "Today's the second day of our trip to Kyoto. I never knew it was such a cool place. I'm having a lot of fun with my friends, and the food is great. Poromon, if you're good I'll bring you something. Ciao, Yolei."

Line break==========

Back in Odaiba, poromon was sleeping in Ken's bedroom floor, while Ken and Izzy talked.

"From what you've just told me," Izzy said, "This all happened when your digivice turned into a D-3. Amd if I'm right, which I usually am, then it's all your fault."

Ken gasped at what Izzy said.

"In order to compete with you, the others needed D-3s and that subconsciously caused them to change." Izzy rook out his digivice, "As strong as these digivices are, they weren't enough to help. But that also means that you willed your digivice to change."

"I don't remember wishing for anything." Ken said.

"Like i said it was subconscious." Izzy continued, "in the digital world, data is formed into shapes, normally based on whatever is going through the person's minds. That's why when you visit the digital world, your clothes change as well. It's kind of like a vcr for your brain."

"But if that's the case," Ken inquired, "Then why do Sam and I stay the same, while Kiseki changes completely?"

Izzy thought about it for a moment before answering, "I can't really say for sure, but i think that your will to be better lets you and Sam stay the way you are. As for Daisuke, she is the digimon princess, therefore she has to be a digimon. Speaking of Daisuke how is she?"

Ken smiled slightly, "According to Sam, she's doing better. Due to her powers merging with her body, she grows ill when she uses too much of it. But her sleeping spells are getting smaller and she's not as sick each time, so i think she'll be better soon."

"I'm glad to hear that." Izzy said with a smile.

The two continued to casually chat. Izzy told Ken about the other digidestined. Poromon seemed to be tired.

"What's wrong Poromon?" Izzy asked the little pink bird.

"He's just tired because he's been in the real world for so long without Yolei," Minomon said, "I'm the same when Ken isn't around even my naps make me exhausted."

"Poor Poromon," Izzy picked up Poromon, "Yolei has been gone for three days now. I hope he can last for a little wgile longer."

"How about I take him to the digital world so he can regain his strength?" Ken proposed, "Kiseki, my brother and the others are already there right?"

"Yeah that's right," he handed Ken Poromon, "Be sure to look out for any warps and unfamiliar digimon. Things are still a little crazy there right now."

Ken nodded and looked down at Poromon, "Do you think that the others will ever forgive me for the mistakes I've made?"

Izzy placed a reassuring hand on Ken's shoulder, "I'm sure that in time they'll welcome you as a close friend," he answered, "And I'll bet that two of them have already forgiven you. Daisuke and Sam will always be there for you."

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