Spirit Needle, and The light of miracles

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Heeeeellllllloooooo everybody!!! I'm back again with another new chapter.

Now here we get to parts with the most drama and reveal of the past. Mostly with two specific people.

Just read and you'll find out.


Kari and Daisuke were walking up the stairs in their chefs uniforms. Daisuke had come back to school a couple days after the last visit to tue digital world.

Jun wanted her to stay home and rest, but with Daisuke's stubbornness, she was allowed to go back to school.

"Lunch duty is the worst." Kari complained as the6 entered the room.

As they served lunch, Daisuke yalked about Ken.

"I want to help Ken out," she said as she scooped some rice, "I know he was used as a puppet, same with the boy in the cloak."

Kari looked at Daisuke like she was crazy. Even though Daisuke was the princess of the digital world, that doesn't mean that she knew what was really going on inside a person's heart.

"I'm not do sure about Daisuke," Kari said, "He may have helped us, but that doesn't mean he has a good heart."

Daisuke sighed and continued serving lunch.

Further on into the day, Daisuke found Cody outside, he was practicing his kendo swings.

"Cody you have to learn to give others a second chance," Daisuke said from the stairs, "He is one of us, we need to trust him more."

Cody just kept swinging his kendo stick, a serious, concentrating look on his face.

"Daisuke," he said, "How can you trust him so easily, he was ruthless and unforgiving. And what he did to you was despicable."

Daisuke sighed and walked up the stairs.

"Just promise me you'll think about it." Then she walked away.

'How can we trust someone who's caused so much pain and destruction?' He thought as he continued his exercises.

Daisuke walked towards the computer, inside was Yolei watching Poromon, Upamon and Demiveemon eat snacks on the floor.

"I believe that we should trust Ken, Yolei," Daisuke said slowly sitting by the munching digimon, "I know he has changed, we just need to trust him a little more."

Yolei stared down sadly, "I don't know Daisuke," she replied, "I thought he had changed too, but after out last battle......he seemed like the old Ken again. He ordered Stingmon to destroy that poor digimon. I'm sorry, but I just cant trust him."

Daisuke walked out the room and went to find Tk. As she exited, Tk entered the room with Patamon, Demiveemon quickly following her partner.

Line break=======

Leila could feel her sister's anxious feelings, she walked down to the courtyard, with Cubmon in her arms, and saw her just standing in the middle of the football field.

She walked up to Daisuke amd placed a hand on her shoulder, "Do you believe me when i say that Ken has changed, Leila?"

Leila visibly flinched at the sudden question, but she had to answer, "I don't know," Leila replied, "I want to trust him, but he needs to prove that he can be trusted."

Daisuke turned around and set Demiveemon down on the grass. She cupped her hands together and created a ball of golden light.

"This is proof that he can be trusted," Daisuke said as she smiled, "As the digital world is reconstructed and grows in power, my power returns. The digital creates its own power and sends it to me, although in small bits as the world is repaired."

Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now