Remeberance before the evil

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Heeeelllllloooooo everybody!!!!!!!

Back again with a new chapter, a day late I know but somethings came up.

Any way, be sure to comment and vote while enjoying another amazing chapter😄😄😄😄😄


"Ken honey it's mom," a woman said through the door, "Dad and I are still outside. Don't worry because when you wake up, we'll be right here."

The woman closed the door and walked to the living room, sitting donw next to her husband.

The man looked at his wife with sad eyes, "Is he awake yet?" He asked hopefully.

The woman shook her head, "I know he'll wake up, all he needs is more rest."

The man grabbed his wife's hand in comfort.

Meanwhile inside the room, Ken was sleeping soundly.

"I know i should wake up," Ken thought as he slept, "But I can't, not until I find my heart. I can't seem to find it, but i know that when i do, everything will go back to the way it was. Like when I was little."

His mind drifted into the past.

A/N------(Ok so in this part of the story, it's mostly a flashback. Just to clarify italics are the past memories and normal text is Ken speaking😊)


"I used to learn everything from my brother Sam. I remember the time he taught me how to blow bubbles."

Two boys were playing and blowing bubbles on the Terrance of their apartment. The older boy was smiling at his younger brother's bubbles.

"I never could blow bubbles until then, but after he showed how, I was blowing bubbles bigger than he was. Sam was the real genius of the family, and i was so proud of him."

"Here come the neighbor ladies." Little Ken said as he walked himw with his mom.

"My cousin has a friend who says that your little boy Ken is the smartest boy in school." One lady said.

"Can i get a picture with him?" Another lady asked.

"I have three daughters I'd like him to meet."

"Has he decided to be a scientist or a brain surgeon?"

Those kinds of comments went straight to my mom's head.

Ken's mom rushed into the house and went straight to Sam.

"Mama?" Ken called.

"Oh Sam, all the neighbors came up to and commented on how wonderful you are. One even asked me for an autograph, can you believe it?"

She finally noticed her younger son asking for her, "Oh Ken I'm sorry did you need something?"

"Nevermind Mama it's not important." Ken replied as he looked away.

"Sam always gets all the attention from mom and dad. Since he's smarter than me, they love him more." Ken thought as he watched his brother amd parents talk and smile.

"As long as Sam is around they'll never pay attention to me. If Sam was never here then I'd be the one they loved." Then he said something that he would later regret.


Time passed, ken and Sam were playing in Sam's room.

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