Soup and friends.

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Hey everybody what's up? I'm back again with another chapter, just like Clockwork.

I hope that you enjoy this chapter, and please ignore any spelling errors and stuff like that. I'll fix those when the story is complete.

Anyway, let's begin the chapter===


Leila, Daisuke and Yolei ran through the halls of the school, trying to make it to the computer lab.

"Come on you guys pick up the pace." Leila said rushed.

When they got there, Jun, Tk and Kari, along with the rest of the digimon were already to go.

"Looks like Ken and Sam has to help his mother clean," Yolei said, reading an email on her communicator, "He says he and Sam will catch up with us when they're done."

Kari looked over at Daisuke, "Are you sure you'll be okay Daisuke?" She asked, the girl in question simply nodded in response.

"Hey hold up a minute," Jun said, "Where's Cody?" Just then, the door swung open, revealing a panting Cody.

"Sorry I'm late you guys," He said, regaining his breath, "I had to help clean the classroom. It was my turn."

"Just as long you've made it Cody." Daisuke said.

Yolei opened the gate and everyone was sucked into the digital world.

Line break============

Blackwargreymon searched through an port of some kind.

"My mission is clear," he said, "I cam feel the desriny stone close by. And I'll destroy everything in my path to find it."

He quickly spun like a tornado amd destoryed half of the port.

Arukenimon watched from afar using binoculars, "Why can't you be as powerful as Blackwargreymon?" She asked her partner.

Mummymom was shocked, but held no feelings towards the comment.

We're wasting time sitting here like this Chernobogmon said from behind The last destiny stone is out there somewhere and Blackwargreymon is throwing a tantrum like a child.

"He has been acting rather strange since that time he stole the princess." Mummymon said in thought, "He actually hesitated to destroy a village toda-" he was cut off by a sharp pain in his head.

Mever can that half breed a princess. She doesn't have the right to rule this world. EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD WILL BELONG TO ME!!!!

The two digimon drove off as Blackwargreymon approached them.

As they drove, they found themselves taken by the delicious smell of a chinese restaurant.

They looked to their right and saw that had just driven up to digimon Chinatown.

They drove into town and found the restaurant.

"Oh I do hope that they have fortune cookies here, they're my favorite." Mummymon said as they sat down.

A digimon came up to the table, floating on its cloud like tail, "Hello there and welcome," he said, "My name is Tapiermon and I'll be your waiter. Our specialty today is soup, would you like some?"

Arukenimon jumped at the chance to order the soup, making sure to ask for extra flies in hers.

Line break===========

The digidestined themselves had just arrived outside Digimon Chinatown.

"Blackwargreymon's in close range everyone. I can feel him coming close." Daisuke said.

Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now