Attracting miracles in the dark

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Heeeellllloooooo everybody!!!!! Back again with another chapter like always😄😄

I hope that all of you readers are enjoying it, cause it'll only get better. Mysteries will be solved, miracles will be granted, and maybe a few tears will be spilt.

Either way, keep reading to find out.


The forest was filled with the sounds of digimon living their lives in peace and happiness. Until, that sick dark and twisted feeling came rusbing through the tall trees.

All the digimon hid in fear, and a dark shadow came walking through as if it were on a peaceful stroll through the park.

It was Blackwargreymon, and was on the hunt for a worthy opponent.

He cut through the trees, nit even sparing a glance at the trembling digimon in the trees besides him.

"I can hear your heart beating," the voice of ghe girl repeated in his head, "Come find me when you've made the right decision."

Those words were so clear, yet they had a hidden meaning behind them, like the clouds blocking the sun after the rain.

Elsewhere, Mummymon and Arukenimon were driving, following the signal Blackwargreymon was giving off.

"What was that light from the other day?" Arukenimon asked the digimon driving.

"I'm not sure," Mummymon answered, "Maybe master Chernobogmon will have the answer."

Of course i have the answer you buffoon! Their master said from the shadows of the car.

That light was created when thr princess called upon the power of the digital world! She grows more powerful everyday, amd that won't do good for us. Find Blackwargreymon and destroy the digidestined! OR ELSE I'LL DELETE YOU MYSELF!!

The two digimon nodded and kept following the signal. But Arukenimon was thinking of the princess they were meant to destroy.

"Please, come with me and be on the side of good." Daisuke's words were echoing in her mind like a bell.

'What does she want with me?' Arukenimon thought, but shook those thoughts away.

Line break========

The day ended at school for the digidestined, and as the school emptied its students, they stayed to come up with a plan of action.

"We needed this like a hole in the head." Tk said.

"I think that's what Blackwargreymon is thinking." Jun replied.

"Just you wait," Gatomon said, "I don't care if he is a mega, if he looks at Kari the wrong way I'll put a hole in his head."

"Very courageous but foolish," Leila said, "May I remind you that you can't digivolve to even ultimate. He's too powerful for you even if you could digivolve."

"Maybe if we figure out a way to get all of you to DNA digivolve like me and Stingmon." Vivimon said.

"That may work," Jun replied, "But to do we'd have to rely on Dai and I don't want to do that to my little sister."

Every digimon started thinking of who their partner would be, and how they couldn't believe how Blackwargreymon just flew off like he did.

"Where do you think he's going?" Kari asked. Everyone turned towards Kari at the window, "I kinda feel sorry for him. Think about it, he's confused and lonely, made from a control spire to fight."

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