The Dark Knight

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Heeeelllllloooo everybody!!!!! I'm back again with a new of the digimon princess.

Hope everyone is liking the story so far and i hope that you continue ti read future chapters.

Anyway onto the story........

Story....... Start

The sounds of running water could be heard near the top of a cliff.

"Those digi brats make me furious!" Arukenimon seethed with anger, "And what did that little princess mean when she wanted me to be on the side of good? Did she rhink i would give up my power and risk being deleted?"

Arukenimon soaked in the bath water for what felt like hours, thinking about Daisuke's words to her.

"There you are." A voice said from behind.

Arukenimon sighed, "Usually a bubble bath relaxes me, but not this time."

The voice of mummymon came closer, "Not a very good scenery for a bath," he said, "But nevermind your habits. Master Chernobogmon wishes for us to see him."

Arukenimon immediately got out of the tub and rushed with Mummymon to see their master.

Line break==========

Chernobogmon sat on a large boulder, stared gratefully at his bowing servants.

"You asked for us Master?" Arukenimon asked.

Yes. The man in black said I must say that your attempts in destroying the princess' friends haven't gone as planned. So, I have devised a new plan.

"And what plan would that be, if I may ask." Mummymon asked.

Chernobogmon chuckled, It is simple. We hit the princess where she is most vulnerable. The boy she cares so much for, we hit him first.

Arukenimon and Mummymon knew what boy he was talking about. Sam Ichijouji.

"Shall we take the boy back and turn him again?" Arukenimon asked.

Not at first, we take the boy when they are most vulnerable. When the princess and the boy are alone.

The two digimon nodded and left their master to his peace.

Just you wait princess, the day will cone when this world will be mine. Your father isn't here to save you now.

His wicked laughter echoed throughout the cave, and a dark feeling spread throughout the cave as well.

Line break=========

Kairosmon launched her pyro rockets at another control spire. The spire fell to the ground like a domino.

"Awesome job Kairosmon!" Jun yelled in glee.

Another spire went down courtesy of Shurimon's double stars.

"All right Shurimon, good work!" Yolei exclaimed.

The ground shook from Digmon's rock crackin, and another one fell to pieces.

"Digmon, that was great!" Cody said.

Stars flew from Pegasusmon's wings, taking down a spire.

"Way to go Pegasusmon." Tk exclaimed.

Multiple stones came from a pink light and smashed into yet another control spire.

"Say cheese please." Kari said as she snapped a picture.

"Spiming strike!" The spire didn't stand a chance against Stingmon. It fell to the ground in pieces.

Ken smiled, happy that his spires were finally being destroyed.

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