Chapter 1 - When you want it, it goes away too fast

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We were walking towards the subway and talking about Marilyn Manson's latest album. Actually it felt more like arguing than just talking. I was totally in love with Marilyn's music while he thought it was just bad and insisted that I should tell him what was that I liked so much.

"I just met you. I can't tell you that!" I exclaimed innocently.

"Oh, come on!"

"Ohh, fine!" I sighed "Don't laugh.".

"Promise," he smiled as we came into a stop on the automatic stairs.

"I think it's passionate, powerful and erotic," I explained simply. He didn't laugh; instead, he tilted his head to the side and smiled. He was a very handsome man; tall with short, light brown hair, very muscular and fit –I guess being a cop pays off- with a set of sweet green eyes.

"Explains a lot more than you think," He raised his eyebrows smirking.

"Meaning?" I asked confused stepping on solid ground.

"If you find his music erotic..." he trailed looking into my eyes. He had no intention of finishing that sentence.

"Got something to say angel?" I smirked "Say it," I pressed impatiently and he chuckled.

"It's good to know what turns you on," he whispered leaning forward. I chuckled and shook my head. Of course it was good. Typical man.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," I smiled. I wanted to say that he won't need that information anyway, since he wasn't going to sleep with me but I really didn't felt like challenging him into anything.

We went further down in the subway and he came into a stop before we had to part ways.

"Thank you, I had fun" I smiled. Indeed I had a good time.

Josh was easy to talk to; funny, open hearted and very sociable. I've met him through a friend last week. He began flirting with me as soon as we were introduced and was so straight forward that didn't leave any doubt he liked me. He asked our friend for my number and texted me good night the same night. I was impressed but I tried to keep my mind off of him, not expecting anything because I didn't want to be disappointed. I actually managed to keep my mind busy until he called me yesterday and asked me out.

"Me too," he smiled back and took a step towards me. I almost smiled at the realization that he was going to kiss me. I lowered my head to hide my blush but looked at him for a brief moment.

The subway was almost deserted because of the late hour and made me feel less awkward that no one was actually around as he put his hand on the side of my neck and leaned down. He placed his soft lips on mine slightly and pulled away; keeping his face only inches away from me.

I parted my lips in order to breathe. He clearly took this as a response because he leaned down again and kissed me. This time more firmly; his tongue stroked my lower lip and then entered my mouth, brushing mine. I felt weird at first since my last kiss was almost nine months ago but the feeling disappeared when he stepped even closer; my hands resting against his chest.

Why did that have to happen now? I was leaving for Christmas holidays in two days. He would probably forget all about me by the time I got back, two weeks later. I pushed away from him abruptly; startling him.

"Sorry," he mumbled out of breath "I thought you..." he begun but I shook my head to stop him.

"No no. It's not that," I smiled a fainted smile.

"Then?" he looked at me confused.

"Am leaving for the holidays in two days," I winced.

"Someone's waiting for you back home?" he jumped to conclusions.

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