Chapter 12 - How do you love with a faith full of rust?

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The loud music blasting from the speakers filled my ears and the alcohol made me sway to the music. He was standing next to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, as we were all gathered in a small circle.

I drank my last sip and turned around to leave my glass on the rounded table behind us. He put his hands on my lower back and pulled me to him. I was in a complete trance. I put my hands around his neck and put my face close to his. I removed his hair from the side of his neck and kissed the edge of his jaw just beneath his ear.

"Kiss me," I whispered to his right ear as my right hand was through his hair on the back of his neck. He slightly pulled me back and leaned to me. He didn't kiss me though; making me impatient. I parted my lips as my hand came down to the side of his face. He touched my lips softly at first but as the seconds went by it grew more passionate and lustful; his tongue entering my mouth and stroking mine. I sighed as I tasted him in my mouth and gripped him tighter.

I broke the kiss when I run out of air and swayed to the music once again; his hands keeping our bodies collided. At that moment nothing mattered. I felt blissful.

I let my hand travel down his chest and under his t-shirt to the waistband of his jeans, caressing the waistband of his boxers.

"Got something better than dancing in mind?" he whispered to my ear. I smirked and put my mouth to his ear.

"Yes. A lot better," I told him while my fingers went inside the waistband of his boxers. His hand went lower on my back; resting just above my buttocks.

"Something's missing here," he stated as his hands run from my lower back to my hips twice.

"I forgot to wear underwear, I suppose," I smirked watching his eyes widening before he smirked back.

"Give me five minutes," he told me. I nodded and he kissed my bare shoulder as he walked passed me to the bathroom. I turned to the table and smiled at grumpy Matt who just did the same as me.

"Finally getting a room?" he smirked; leaning towards me so I could hear him over the loud music.

"Shut up," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You know I'm messing with you," he winced and hugged me.

"I know," I nodded, smiling.

"Something's different," he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"He's was all smiley and goofy today," he frowned.

"I have no idea," I chuckled, grateful that the lack of light hid my blush.

"What's up?" I heard Oliver asking as he approached us; putting his arm around my shoulders.

"See?" Matt said. "That's what I'm talking about," he motioned towards Oliver's face. Oliver looked at me confused while I was laughing.

"Dude," I told Matt and leaned in towards him to talk to him "First I called you impatient Matt, then grumpy you're just weird Matt," I laughed to his ear. He scoffed and sipped his beer.

"If you two are done, can we go?" Oliver raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, angel," I smiled at him "Don't be hasty," I grinned and looked at him under my lashes playfully. He smiled and leaned to my ear; his hand on the back of my neck.

"Don't act like you don't want me to fuck you," he said and kissed the spot under my ear. I shivered at his words and pulled away smiling. I took his hand and waved goodbye at the boys before leaving the club.

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