Chapter 16 - I'm on my way to believe in you

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I bit my lips and tried to control my emotions; but I couldn't. I shouldn't keep away from him now. Now that he was here with me.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I couldn't see him on the couch that was visible from the hallway. I took another breath and walked my way into the room.

He was sitting on my desk, surfing the internet; his fingers rubbing his forehead. Was it possible that his unanswered question was bothering him? I didn't think so.

But I hoped.

I walked the few steps that I needed to take in order to made him look at me as he finally noticed me. I took his hand into mine and pulled him up from the chair. His face was blank as he stood up.

As soon as he was standing in front of me, I cupped his face and crashed my lips onto his. I must have put more force into the kiss for he lost his balance and walked backwards and onto the doorway.

When he recovered, his hands gripped my hips tightly and he parted his lips; sucking my bottom lip before his tongue entered my mouth. I let out a deep moan and lowered my hands to his bare chest.

My mind didn't stop the over thinking however. And it hurt. It hurt to know that we were acting like we were a couple when I only had him for ten days. When he would leave and I would stay behind all alone. That made me mad. I was mad at him for making me fall for him and I was mad at me for allowing it happening.

I gripped his skin and he must have felt my irritation. I broke the kiss and moved my lips to his neck; sucking the skin. Another one of the things that made me fall for him was that he knew what I wanted and how I wanted it; and he was proving that to me in that moment.

He pushed me back against the wall, pressed his body against mine and my arms above my head on the cold concrete. A moan escaped my throat as he bit my bottom lip. I tried to escape his grasp but he fought me. I groaned in irritation.

"Are you complaining?" he mocked against my lips.

"I want you," I mumbled.

"Want what, love?" he asked; his tone the same.

"To fuck me," I mumbled again as my eyes met his.

"I thought you told me to go and play," he smirked and kissed the hollow beneath my ear. I chuckled in response. I really liked that he always skipped the parts that would make me feel awkward and ruin my mood.

"Play with me," I smirked "You know I love games."

"Indeed," he mumbled as he painfully sucked the skin on my neck. He let go of my hands only to pull my top off of my head.

I took the chance of freedom and pressed my mouth against his; my tongue stroking his fiercely as I pushed him against the wall once again. He tried to fight me off.

"Don't," I warned him as I put my fingers on the waistband of his boxers. I smirked as I made my point but he still tried to be the dominant. He put his palms on the sides of my neck, planted a sloppy kiss on my lips and pushed me down.

I got on my knees and pulled his boxers down as I went; revealing his erection. I put my hand on his dick and planted soft kisses on him. The tip of my tongue slid from base to tip and back again, making him moan. I licked my lips and cupped the head with my mouth, my tongue licking his slit, my hand sliding up and down.

"Yeah," he breathed and put his hands on my head, his fingers tangled in my hair. I removed my lips and opened my eyes to look at him; he was looking down at me filled with pleasure. I run my wet tongue from the tip down at the base, licking a particular bold vein. He bit his lip groaning making me grin as confidence built up inside.

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