Chapter 7 - I see that nothing's changed insist on playing games

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Oliver must have been very tired because he didn't even flinched when I got out of bed, gathered my clothes and closed the door to the bathroom. I was nervous that he might have noticed I wasn't in bed and woke up, so I paused behind the bathroom's closed door, fully dressed with my hand on the handle, and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked to the right; towards the bed. I had to take my purse. He hadn't move.

I closed the door carefully behind me and walked fast towards the elevator; just in case he had woken up and searched in the hallway. I leaned against the elevators wall and bit my lip in frustration. 

I'm a coward. 

I didn't even want to hear my thoughts. I opened my purse and put the headphones in my ears; trying to block out everything.

I was seating out on the balcony, my legs stretched out on the wall, watching tv from inside the flat. It'd been three or four hours since I got back home, when the build's doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone and I didn't notice who walked up the stairs to my building so I didn't get up to open as it must have been some random people with flyers.

My phone started ringing and vibrating from the table next to me. I grabbed and looked at the screen. Oliver. Fuck. Fuck. I pushed the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Yeah," I said; my voice small.

"Open the door, Lisa," he commanded and the doorbell rang again.

"Oh. It's you," I said and got up; my heart racing and I silently thanked my narscism for making me wear a short skirt with a tank top and not a boxer with a t-shirt.

"Yeah," he said and closed the phone as I let him into the building. I opened the door and leaned against the doorframe waiting for him to come upstairs. The moment he appeared on the stairs I had to look away from him. I was feeling like I was caught doing something stupid. Because this certainly was stupid.

"Are we playing hide and seek now?" he asked as he came into a stop in front of me. I didn't reply. I moved backwards and let him into the flat; closing the door behind us. I couldn't be sure if he was irritated. He had every right to be but to be irritated meant that he cared. He shouldn't be. I turned down the volume on Marilyn's music that was coming from the speakers and looked at him.

"You should be with your friends. Having fun," I spoke my thought as he came into a stop in the room and turned to look at me. We were standing face to face, two meters away from each other. He was serious. I bit my lip in frustration and looked away from him.

"So...?" he trailed; waiting for an answer. I guess he wanted an explanation.

"So what?" I asked; playing dumb.

"Stop doing that!" he said and he was obviously mad at me. I didn't speak. I wanted to ask what he meant but I was scared. I sat on the couch and looked at the floor. I knew he meant for me to stop playing dumb and avoiding conversations.

"You freaked out and left," he said kneeling in front of me; putting his hands on my naked knees. I looked away from him; biting my lip in frustration. I felt like a little kid. "Why?" he asked finally. I swallowed trying to think of a reasonable excuse.

"You said..." I trailed "Stuff," I didn't want to actually say all the things I was thinking last night when he told me he hadn't had sex in a month. He sighed and got up. I followed him with my eyes as he sat next to me.

"I knew that it would be too much," he mumbled, like talking mostly to himself "That's why I didn't want to tell you but it was kind of obvious that something was wrong," he chuckled; making me smile.

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