Chapter 13 - You make your way in I resist you just like this

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Oliver explained that he had to stay with me because he needed to check out from the hotel since it was personal expenses and not the bands. Not that I had a problem with having him staying with me.

I was fighting with myself on that matter of course; one side of me was thrilled to have him all mine while the other was afraid that spending so much time with him and creating memories in my house would turn back to haunt me.

As always, I ignored everything. I figured since he said that he had fallen in love with me after we had sex (for countless of times) and was willing to change his plane ticket; that ought to mean something. Even to my troubled and weird mind.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside the apartment, walking straight into the room to open the balcony doors. Oliver closed the door and followed me into the room; leaving his handbag on the couch and sunk next to it, sighing.

I let the light fill the room, closed the doors again and pulled the curtains over them. I turned to look at him; my brows furrowed.

"You've got tired?" I asked; tilting my head to the side and looked at him. He chuckled and shot up, his hands flew to my cheeks and he pulled my face into a sloppy kiss; his tongue forcing its way into my shocked mouth and stroked mine fiercely.

My hands traveled down on his stomach and gripped his skin as one of his hands moved to the back of my neck and the other on my hips. I pushed him backwards, until we hit the edge of the bed and without breaking the kiss he sat down; me following him as his hands were running up and down my sides.

Once I pinned him against the mattress, I sat on top of him and looked at him; his eyes half closed and his lips parted. I licked my bottom lip as my hands run from his chest down to his stomach.

"I can't get enough of you," I confessed and bend forward; my right hand on his face. I moved his face lightly to the right and placed my lips on his colorful neck. His hands squished my butt as I my lips moved along his jaw line.

He hugged me and held my body tight against his. He rolled over and I was on my back; my legs wrapped around his tiny waist as his weight fell on top of me. My left hand squished his back while the other was running down his lower back. I tried to put it underneath his jeans, but I couldn't.

"I hate your tight jeans sometimes," I breathed with annoyance. He chuckled and backed up. My hands flew to his belt and unbuckled it. "Lose the jeans," I ordered and he smirked "And the t-shirt!" I told him.

"I'm not seeing you losing any clothes, love," he raised his eyebrows as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. I chuckled and unbuckled my belt. Once he rolled completely off of me to take off his jeans, I unbuttoned and removed my shorts. I sat up on the bed and removed my top. I shook my head so that my hair would fall back again and noticed him sitting on his knees right in front of me and staring at me; a small grin on his gorgeous face.

"What?" I blushed and looked at him under my lashes. He didn't respond. He reached out and put his left hand on my thigh; stroking the skin softly.

His fingers traveled softly and slowly from my thigh to my hipbones, his other hand joining as well. He bowed down and placed a soft kiss on the waistband of my underwear as his hands stroked my lower stomach; my belly; my sides; my breasts. His lips moved upwards, leaving small kisses on its way and his fingers continued their way to my neck and through my hair. Until finally, his lips reached my chin.

He left his weight fell on top of me and I wrapped my legs around his lower waist; locking him to my embrace. He kissed the edge of my jaw and my cheek softly; my hands running up and down his back as I was breathing against his shoulder. He pulled back his face and I turned mine to face him; my hands running through his soft brown hair. I raised my chin lightly into the air as he tilted his head slightly to the side and waited for him to kiss me.

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