Chapter 17 - Hot as a fever, rattling bones

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"I'm so hungry," I told him as I was lying into his arms.

"Are you even going to explain what just happened?" he looked at me, still worried.

"Yes," I told him in a small voice and sighed.

"You really scared me, you know," he mumbled.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized again "It was nothing," I begun and he was about to say something when I shook my head at him to silenced him. "It's just PMS."

"All that happened because you're about to get your period?" he exclaimed; his eyes widening.

"Yes," I replied in a small voice blushing "I'm sorry," my eyes filling with tears once again.

"Don't," he said as he noticed the moisture into my eyes "I'm sorry for startling you," he said smiled softly and kissed my forehead. I felt like laughing. Laugh because I was being paranoid and because he actually took me seriously.

"Can we eat now please? I'm hungry," I told him sounding more like a little kid than the woman he was having sex earlier; my lips twisting in a light pout.

"Stay here. I'll get it," he smiled and got up.

I haven't noticed any change on his face when he realized that I'll get my period soon. Maybe he hid his disappointment.

I heard him going through the cupboards to find the dishes. He returned to the room a few minutes later holding a tray with two dishes on them. I couldn't help but smile. I sat indian style on the bed, wrapping the sheet around me, as he put the tray on the bed in front of me. He sat across for me and covered himself with the other end of the sheet.

It was a little cold as it was left on the counter as long as we were having sex but it tasted good. I smirked as I saw him raising his eyebrows.

"It's really good," he said.

"Thank you," I blushed for the compliment.

"It's okay. You can say it," he mocked me. I grinned widely.

"I'm a golden goddess," I chuckled and he joined me too. A wide smile spread across his wonderful thin lips; his whole face light up.

"So, what happened was typical PMS behavior?" he asked conversationally.

"It's just that when I'm through my PMS, everything I feel, feels ten times bigger than it is," I explained while I ate my food.

"Because we were laughing one minute, you attacked me the next and sobbing later," he said trying to make sense out of my behavior.

"Yeah," I sighed "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing for everything," he said and left his dish down.

"Okay," I blushed. He skipped a step though; after laughing and before I attacked him, he asked a question. I didn't want to ruin the mood so I kept quiet as we ate our dinner.


The next day, after arguing in the morning for letting me wash his clothes, I tried to iron all the clothes because Jenny got us a table at a club for the night with all of my friends.

"Seriously, you don't have to do this," He looked at me, almost pouting.

"I'm PMSing Oliver," I begun and put down the iron "I'm hungry," I began "Horny," and he smirked "And angry. Don't mess with me," I threatened.

He faked a scared face and chuckled but after that, he left me alone, turning his attention onto my laptop.

After finishing with the ironing, I took a bath and wanted to take some time for myself. I was sitting on the couch, my naked body wrapped with my towel, and painting my nails when I felt Oliver's eyes on me.

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