Chapter 5 - You know babe, we can have a lot of fun

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I was sipping my beer, leaning back on the loveseat I was seating with Oliver by my left side and hearing the boys talking about the last show in Germany. Oliver put his arm over my shoulders; his fingers hanging loosely on my arm.

Though the contact made my breathing stop, I remained still; ignoring him. As he moved his body towards me, I turned my head lightly towards him and gave him a small smile.

"So, have I won the bet?" he smirked. He looked so beautiful. I frowned upon my thought and then mask my expression into confusion for what he was asking.

"What bet?" I finally asked, turning my body lightly to face him; his hand still around my shoulders. He moved his face down to my ear to speak.

"That I can make you dripping without being present," he reminded me about the note he left me. I could hear the grin in his voice. Oliver was always straight to the point.

I put my right leg over my left, touching his in the process and put my free hand on his knee. His eyes traveled down from my eyes to my cleavage and my hand on his knee for a moment. Before he looked at me in the eye again I moved my hand up, stroking the denim fabric on his skinny leg. As my hand stopped on his upper thigh, his eyes returned to mine again; his smirk meeting mine.

"You definitely won that bet," I raised my eyebrow grinning. His smirk turned into a wide smile; causing me to smile widely back. Men love to hear that they please you. Even if it's not being done directly.

"Glad to hear," he replied and leaned to my ear again. "I would be even happier to hear what you were thinking." I shivered as his hot breath touched my skin.

"Get a room!" I heard impatient Matt calling. Oliver chuckled and I turned towards Matt.

"We will. While you're sleeping with them," I winced and showed towards Matt and Lee "No offence guys." Obviously they weren't offended because they were laughing at my response.

"Yeah yeah okay," Matt mumbled. I sipped my beer still chuckling while Oliver pulled me into his arms; my hand still on his upper thigh.

I felt weird for a moment. The last time I was seating like this with someone, [i]that[/i] someone was my boyfriend. That have been three or four years ago; maybe that's why it felt so weird.

"Be right back," I said and put down my beer and walked to the bathroom. I was freaking out without a real cause. Again. I fixed my makeup and went back to my seat. I didn't seat in his arms though. I sat where I originally was; at the edge of the loveseat, near his knees though for I didn't want anyone to realize that I was trying to keep my distance. Whatever distance I could keep between me and a man that I knew I was going to end up sleeping with by the end of the night.

I felt Oliver moving beside me and turned my head towards him. He sat on the edge of the couch too and put his arm on my waist again; leaning to my ear.

"Let's go," he told me and put his empty bottle on the table. I chuckled as he clearly couldn't wait any longer to be alone with me and as he turned to look at me. I grinned. He smirked and got up.

"Leaving us already?" tall Matt mocked.

"Shhh," I winced trying to make him turn his attention somewhere else before the other Matt made any other weird comment. I got up and looked at impatient Matt. He wasn't impatient anymore; he was grumpy!

"I'm not saying anything," he said innocently; making me laugh as I opened my bag to leave money for my beer.

"Be serious please," Oliver said more serious than I've seen him talking all night; his tone clearly saying that he wasn't taking any other word from me on that matter. I didn't try to fight him over this and followed him to the exit.

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