Chapter 10 - Somewhere behind your barricade

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I did recognize the feeling but I still haven't admitted it to myself; let alone him.

Last time I felt like this near a sweaty guy was four years ago. I went to see my boyfriend playing football and I remember sitting next to him in the car afterwards and I just wanted to keep him close; realizing that I was attracted to him instead of appalled. I pushed the memory away, avoiding eye contact with Oliver during the ride back at the hotel. I was blaming my three bottles of beer.

There's no way he would feel something more about me. I'm sure he liked me; he wouldn't be here if he didn't. But that was all. I was nobody special. I felt my heart flinching inside my chest at the thought.

We walked into the hotel and I waited as Oliver went to get his key; the boys talking to each other a few steps away from me. I bit my lip and exhaled. I needed to get myself together. Now.

I lowered my head and tried to recall some Marilyn lyrics; while looking at him from under my lashes. His lyrics always worked for me. «there's not a word for what I want to do to you»; I grinned to myself. It always works.

He turned his back at the guy at the reception desk; a blank expression on his face. I smirked and when he saw me, he smirked back. We walked side by side to the elevator and for some weird but obvious reason the boys left us take the ride alone. I leaned back against the elevator wall looking at him as he was standing in front of me.

He put his right hand against the wall beside my head while his left hand was holding the key and hanging loosely at his side. He leaned close to me but our bodies didn't make contact.

"What were you thinking before?" he asked and I panicked for a moment, thinking he was asking about the venue incident "At the reception" he finished his sentence and smirked; raising his eyebrows. I chuckled and put my hands on his chest.

"That there's not a word for what I want to do to you," I quoted; a smirk on my face and my hands went down to his stomach.


"Really," I replied and let my hands go beneath his t-shirt and stroked his warm body. We were gazing at each other as my hands made their way to the small of his back and pulled him against me. I brushed his bottom lip with my lips softly right before we reached our floor.

We pulled away and walked to the room. He opened the door and let me go inside first.

Once I walked in, I removed my top and as he closed the door I unbuckled my belt.

"You're fast," he grinned and walked up to me.

"I'm taking a shower first. Then you have me all to yourself," I smirked and pushed him away.

"Like the way that sounds," he grinned and leaned down and kissed my collarbone.

I got out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my body and another one for my hair and walked into the room. I bend forward and removed the towel from my hair. I caught a glimpse of him, sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap; wearing just his boxers. When I stood back up, the laptop was on the bedside table and he was staring at me; smiling. I let the towel I've removed from my head on the chair behind me and kneeled on the edge of the bed.

"Like what you see?" I teased him.

"Very much," he replied as I moved towards him. I put one leg on either side of him and sat down on his lap. "You're wearing too much" he said as he eyed me. I smiled as he unwrapped my towel and let it fall to my waist.

I ran my hands up and down on his chest, while looking at him. He removed the towel from around my waist; leaving me naked. He put his hands on my hips and pushed me closer to him as I arched my back and put my hands on either side of his face. I touched his lips with mine softly but the kiss quickly turned passionate and lustful.

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