Chapter 14 - Hell-flavored, I've got mood poisoning

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As I was walking home that day, the day I met Oliver, I remember smiling to myself and feeling proud. I felt proud for having a casual conversation with such a handsome guy and for being able to flirt with him.

Now that I think of those days, I blush for I never had sex like that with anyone. I do not, however, regret it. Not a single thing. Even though it's a relationship with an expiration date.

I opened my eye s and rolled over to my back. Oliver was asleep on his stomach beside me. I sat up and I rested my head in my hands for a moment. I felt him moving and turned to look at him. He sighed and reached out to my arm; pulling me down to the bed. I fell back; a sleepy sigh escaping my lips.

He put his arm around my torso and pulled himself closer to me. I raised my hand and put it around him so he would lie on me. I run my fingers through his wavy soft hair as he laid his cheek against my cleavage.

"I like your hair like this," I mumbled. He murmured something causing me to chuckle as I had no idea what he said.

We remained like this for a while. He had fallen back to sleep but I had to get up; laying in bed all day isn't my thing. I moved slowly and he rolled over to his back as I removed his arm from around my torso. I got up and walked to my closet, wearing some clean underwear, before making my way into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I returned to the room and left the tray on the small coffee table that had unused condoms and our mobiles. I sat on the edge of the bed and run my fingers down from his chest to his stomach.

"Wake up," I said softly as my fingers reached his bellybutton.

"Down down," he murmured, cracked a smirk and raised his hipbones upwards. I was about to get up from where I was seated and leave him there to wake up on his own but then I figured out that I wouldn't do that last year. Last year I wouldn't even tell him to wake up. Last year I would have wanted to keep him with me and the only way I knew that would work was through sex. So I decided to do what I would have done a year ago.

I kneeled on the bed, spread his legs open and sat there; massaging his thighs. I put my left hand over his boxers, right where his tattoos where and I felt him shivering. I smirked to myself and leaned on top of him, licking his skin on his lower stomach until I've reached the waistband of his boxers.

I pulled his boxers down and I could see a smile spread on his lips as he waited. He was already hard, since he just woke up, but not enough. I took his erection in my palm and slid my hand up and down slowly and watched him grown beneath my touch.

As soon as he was hard enough and I could see his anticipation, I took him into my mouth; my tongue coming in a complete contact with his skin.

"Yeah," he moaned as I slid my mouth up and down on his erection. It didn't took him long to climax and come; his eyes half closed as he watched me swallowing his juices. "Fuck," he said and released himself back on the pillow.

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash myself. When I put the towel down Oliver stood in the doorway, gazing at me with a small smile on his face.

"Good morning," I smiled, letting my fingers touch his lower stomach and kissed a spot on his collarbone.

"Good morning," he grinned as I walked passed him.

I sat on the couch, Indian style, eating my toast and watching TV while he took a shower and wore a clean boxer. He sat beside me, taking a sip from his juice.

He took the other toast and sat back on the couch, putting his arm on the cushion behind my shoulders. I felt nervous; my feet fidgeting on the sofa.

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