Chapter 11 - Is this to end or just begin?

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A few moments have passed before I was able to calm myself down. I got up from the floor and walked to the sink to wash my face. I heard the door behind me opening and when I pulled down the towel I washed my face with, I saw the reflection of Oliver standing in the doorway.

Our eyes met for a split of second and I shivered. I didn't move though; keeping myself occupied with the towel and the sink. He came up from behind me, removed a wisp of my hair and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes enjoying his touch; his hands around my waist.

"Are you still angry?" he whispered to my ear. He shouldn't have reminded me. 

"Yes," I stiffened.

"Turn around," he said and I turned around in his arms; staring at the skull between his collarbones. Sometimes I really liked that he was taller than me; times like these when I wanted to avoid looking straight into his eyes. Without warning he crashed his lips to mine and forced his tongue into my mouth; my breath come out into a wild gasp from the surprise. He put one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my hip, pinning me against the counter; his tongue stroked mine fiercely. I had no idea what this meant. Maybe it was a goodbye kiss. 

He broke the kiss and pulled me with him by the hand. We came into a stop in front of the bed and he took off his t-shirt and my top. I removed my jeans while he was doing the same and soon after he pushed me back against the mattress. I didn't know how to feel. I just went along; my hands gripping his back and tangled in his hair as his nipped my neck.

"How's the anger going?" he mumbled to my ear. It was like the previous conversation never happened. I liked that.

"I'm still mad at you," I told him and tried to push him on his back. He didn't move. 

"I thought you said you're in love with me," he said as his licked my bottom lip. My chest ached and butterflies attacked my body. I felt the urge to lock myself in the bathroom again but his touch immobilized me. He unbuttoned my bra with his right hand and removed it; resting his weight on his left hand against the mattress. 

"I can be a lot of things," I mumbled a bit annoyed. Why did he have to bring that up?

"I've noticed," he said and moved his lips down to my nipple; his right hand pushing my underwear to the side.

"I'm also very wet," I told him; desperate to change the subject. 

"Indeed," he smirked as his fingers made little circles on my clit.

He was really getting on my nerves. Why was he mocking me like that? I pushed him on his back and succeed as I caught him by surprise. I put my hands inside the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. Once he was naked, I climbed on top of him. He opened his mouth to say something but I shook my head.

"Don't say a word," I said; my voice low but firm.

"Why not?" he smirked.

"Because you're annoying," I told him and leaned on top of him; one hand on the side of his neck while the other kept my weight on the bed. I kissed his jaw line, from his lipring to his ear as his hands gripped my hips.

"I thought you were in love with me," I heard him say; a smirk on his voice.

"Jesus Christ," I pulled away "Shut up!" I exclaimed but he chuckled. He pushed me on my back and got a condom from the bedside table before he rolled to his side. I narrowed my eyes at him as he put it on and replaced himself between my legs. I didn't fight him back because I wanted him but did he have to remind me what I said earlier?

"I love to make you angry," he grinned and kissed me; his tongue entering my mouth and stroked mine softly. I kissed him back fiercely; my irritation traveling to the kiss. My hands tangled in his soft hair and his back tightly. I felt him moving slightly, without stop kissing me and felt the well known pressure between my legs before I felt him entering me. I moaned into the kiss as he filled me and gripped him tighter. 

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