Chapter 18 - I wanna love you but I don't know if I can

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Three a.m. and the speakers were blasting, the earth was moving and the lights are changing constantly. I had four drinks so far and I could honestly say that I was drunk. But I didn't care because I knew I was safe. My friends were there. Oliver was there.

He had his thin arms wrapped tightly around my waist; our bodies collided and moving together to the rhythm. Every now and then he kissed random spots on my face and neck; while I did the same. And every time our lips met, our tongues brushed passionately against each other like it was our last kiss, until we were out of breath.


I held on him tightly and looked into his eyes while the lyrics of the song formed on my lips. I was on the verge of tears again. It wasn't PMS this time. It was me.

Just me, that wanted to believe that I could love him and let him love me. But as I clutched his tshirt with my fingers, I remembered he was going to leave. I didn't pull back this time.

I hugged him tighter. He had one hand on my lower waist and the other against the base of my neck. The side of my face was touching the side of his jaw as I breathed in his scent.

"Want to go outside?" he said to my ear and I pulled back slightly to see him.

"No. I wanna go home," I replied. He nodded and pulled away from me. I looked around and found Jenny and told her that we were leaving.

When we got back home, I opened the tv on MTV and swayed softly to the rock music. I removed the belt from my upper waist and let it fall on the ground. I took off my heels and sighed as my feet felt sore. I made another circle around myself.

"Better," I smiled. Then I noticed Oliver standing by the door; staring at me. I smiled softly at myself and made another small circle.

"Come here," I told him, my voice soft. He walked up to me, a soft smile on his lips. I put my arms around his neck and touched my body to his. I licked my lips kissed his neck.

"I want you," I whispered to his ear as my hands slid down to his waist. I heard him exhaling deeply before gripping my hips tightly.

"Suck me off," he said; his voice hoarse. I thought I've noticed a distance in his tone but my body didn't want to pay any more attention. I helped him remove his t-shirt and kissed the roses and feathers on his chest on my way down until I've reached the eagle and his "reckless" tattoo. I kneeled in front of him and unbuckled his belt. I put my right hand around his dick, slowly sliding up and down making it grow harder as he moaned lightly.

The tip of my tongue slid from base to tip and back again; making him moan. I licked my lips and cupped the head with my mouth, my tongue licking his slit, my hand sliding up and down.

"Yeah," he breathed and put his hands on my head, his fingers tangled in my hair. I removed my lips and opened my eyes to look at him; he was looking down at me filled with pleasure. I run my wet tongue from the tip down at the base, licking a particular bold vein. He bit his lip groaning making me grin.

I licked my lips and took his dick fully in my mouth; causing him to moan loud as he felt my hot tongue on his skin. I stared up at him under my lashes as I let his hard erection slide in and out of my mouth slowly and run my left hand inside my underwear, stroking my clitoris.

His breath came out sharper every time and he steadied my head, thrusting inside my mouth and looking down at me.

"Lie on the bed," he ordered and I got up; licking my lips. He climbed on the bed next to me and squished my breast. I unhooked my bra and removed it. He licked one of my nipples while his finger begun shaping circles on my clit, making me inhale and exhale faster.

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