Chapter 2 - Distance yourself from all

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When he removed himself from between my legs and came up to my eye level, I pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him, put my hand on his length and led him to my slit; sitting down slowly. He put his hands on my waist softly while letting me lead. Wrong move.

Oliver would have known what to do; he would hold my body tight and almost fight me. I liked it when a man is "trying" to resist; makes it more fun. Oliver was inside my head; knew what to do and when to do it.

I bit my lip to push away the thought of him and leaned down towards Josh, putting one hand on either side of him against the mattress. I traveled my lips from his ear to his mouth without losing touch with his skin, until I felt his hands traveling upwards, towards my back and neck and he pulled me down into a kiss.

"Come on," I said and slightly got up. He got the meaning and pinned me against the mattress; his lips crashing mine again. I pulled him closer; gripping his body on mine with my arms. I raised my legs higher to help the movement and as I moved; he finally hit my spot.

"Oh God. There. Don't stop!" I ordered breathing heavily.

He kept his rhythm for a few more moments before I climaxed; arching my back while holding him tight against me. He rolled off of me and lay on his back, next to me.

"You okay?" he asked rolling to his side and kissing my shoulder.

"Yeah," I smiled.

I wondered if I'll get to see him again. We broke up while I was away, but we still talked all the time. When I got back from my holiday vocations, almost two months ago, we went out for a drink and today I invited him for dinner. The fact that we ended up having sex instead wasn't intentional; on my behalf at least.

I only wish I was having sex with [i]my boyfriend[/i] for once and not with some guy I met a week or a month ago. I wish I could curl up in his arms afterwards without being afraid that I'll get hurt. And I wish I could stop comparing Josh to Oliver.

It's been almost a year and we haven't been in touch at all so I had to stop thinking about him. I've only knew that a month after they left, Curtis went back home while the rest of them kept touring around the world. I've also came across some of the photos we took while being all together. I remember laughing out loud at the "Let it roll baby" title tall Matt wrote for the photo that Jenny and I were singing to "Roadhouse Blues" and all the evil comment beneath it. Those comments, though, were kind comparing to the ones that I've read for some weird photos of Oliver and me.

I blinked to reboot my mind and got up from the bed. I sat on the edge and looked around for my dress. I couldn't find it so I got up and walked to the closet. In the dim light of the room I found clean underwear and a top to wear.

"Want some water?" I asked Josh before leaving the room; he was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah" he smiled and I left the room. I filled two glasses with water but stayed there; drinking mine. I pushed away all thoughts and just stare at the yellow tiles. I didn't want to allow my mind to think because I was going to think only one thing: when he's going to tell me he's leaving?

I was refilling my glass when Josh entered the kitchen, wearing only his boxers and leaned against the kitchen countertop.

"Hello," he grinned.

"Hello to you too," I replied as I gave him his glass. He took it, leaned down, kissed my cheek and left the kitchen. I had no idea where this night left us and wasn't really anxious to find out.

I followed him into the room, and as he sat on the couch I threw myself on the bed and hugged my pillow.

"You're cute," he smiled. I closed my eyes for a moment and smiled back.

"Thank you," I replied and opened my eyes again. He turned his eyes at the tv and then checked the clock on his mobile screen.

"You have to leave?" I guessed.

"Yes. My shift starts in two hours," he said. I prefer to torture my head asking myself if this meant anything to him and if he was going to call again than to ask him straight forward.

"Okay," I said, not bothering to move from my bed.

I heard him getting dressed and I opened my eyes just in time to see him putting his mobile into his pocket.

"Are you going to get up?" he chuckled. I groaned and got up from the bed; leading him to the door.

"Bye," I murmured, pretending to be sleepy and tired.

"Bye," he smiled and kissed my cheek. He didn't even tell me he would call. I laughed bitterly to myself as my worries were coming true and lay back in the bed, falling asleep.


I woke up by the sound of my mobile vibrating on my bedside table. I reached out for it and looked at the screen; several seconds passing by before my mind comprehend the name on the screen.

"What?" I groaned sleepily.

"They're coming," Jenny said; sounding excited.

"Should I get the bazookas ready?" I asked, not understanding what she was talking about.

"Okay Terminator just get up and open your laptop," he said

"Why?" I cried "Have mercy!"

"Just do it," she said and waited. I thanked my last night's boredom that kept my laptop open and just moved the mouse to light up the screen.

"Now what?" I groaned.

"Get on your facebook profile." I did as I was told.

"What now?" my patience was starting to wear off.

"You must have a message on your inbox," she said and my eyes shot up at the blue line. Indeed I had a new message.

"Couldn't you wait till morning to tell me by the phone?" I asked irritated while pushing the white letters. The sender wasn't Jenny however. I blinked twice and tried to open my eyes more.

"Seen it yet?" she asked.

"Why tall Matt would be sending me a message after so long?" I wondered out loud, though I could already read " Hey Lis, how are you?! I've got some...".

"Open it already!" she exclaimed; startling me.

I pushed the light blue letters and read out loud "Hey Lis, how are you?! I've got some news for you! We're coming for a concert in a month! So sober up and get ready to party!! Can't wait to see you singing «I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer» hahaha."

"Um.." I mumbled.

"Get some sleep angel. I'll look up for the tickets.". I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Okay..?" I mumbled again as she hang up the phone and I remained still watching at my laptop screen; my mind blank as I didn't know what was I supposed to be feeling.


Title Credit

Hostageof Love by Razorlight    

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