Chapter 8 - You've been running and hiding much too long

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I tried to keep my mind blank and closed my eyes as my fingers shaped little circles on the soft skin of his back. He was still lying between my legs; his cheek against my chest. We were quiet for several minutes now.

He leaned up suddenly; his eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you watching TV or listening to music? It's confusing," he chuckled. I turned to my right and saw that the TV was still on but we could only hear Marilyn Manson in a very low volume singing from my laptop speakers. I chuckled too.

"I always have the TV on. It keeps me company," I explained.

"I' m keeping you company now," he raised his eyebrows.

"You weren't here when I came home," I replied.

"I know," he said meaningful; raising his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry I left," I mumbled. Why is he giving me such a hard time?

"Yeah..." he trailed "And you left me to wake up alone," he pouted but I didn't have time to reply as my mobile started vibrating and ringing from the coffee table. If it didn't make so much of a noise I would probably just ignore it and stayed where I was.

Oliver removed himself from between my legs, gave me the phone and sat down beside me as I followed him. Once I saw that Josh was calling me I laughed out loud; Oliver turned to look at me with a dazzled expression.

Oliver's naked presence made me push the «silence» button on my phone. I put it back on the table and got up to get clean towels. I had the towels in my hands, standing in front of Oliver when the phone rang again.

"Jeez," I mumbled annoyed.

"Want me to...?" he trailed motioning towards the phone. It was nice that he wanted to do something good for me; get me out of a situation.

"No. That's ok. I'll take it," I said and gave him one towel and leaned for the phone. I answered the phone and put it against my ear as I sat on the couch.

"Hey," I faked a smile to the phone. Oliver beside me had put the towel on his legs and leaned his head down; his palms against his neck. I leaned back against the cushions; keeping the towel in front of me to keep me cover up. Oliver's presence distracted me and I tried to keep my eyes away from him.

"Hey, how are you? Are you busy?" Joshed asked from the other end of the line. Well, yes I am actually and that's why I pushed the «silence» button in the first place.

"Not really," I lied, not wanting to make him feel bad.

"There's a really good movie playing tonight. Want to go?" he asked. Translation; I want sex.

"Tonight?" I repeated, Oliver turned to look at me with a pout on his face "What time is it?" I said trying to buy some time and act like I was considering his offer.

"It's still five," Josh told me; I could hear hope in his voice. Truth to be told, even if Oliver wasn't there with me, I still wouldn't have taken up on his offer. I pushed Oliver's face forward with my fingers as I put them against his cheek softly.

"Oh!" I exclaimed "A friend is visiting and I'm supposed to pick him up from the airport,"

"Oh. You're going to take him at a hotel?" he asked; his voice sounded casual but he didn't care he wouldn't have asked.

"Yes," I said honestly "But I think I'm going to spend a lot of time with him, so..." I trailed.

"Really?" He asked his voice disguised with a fake enthusiasm "What kind of friend is he?". I raised my eyebrows at his question, chuckled and shook my head. He was so transparent. Oliver leaned back on the couch too, put his right arm around my shoulders and his left on my upper thigh.

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