Chapter 6 - Way down inside, woman, you need love

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I was deliberating on my decision when I felt Oliver's hands around my waist and his body touching mine from behind. He removed strands of hair from my neck and kissed the skin bellow my ear. The moment I felt his soft lips touching my neck, my choice was made.

I turned around in his arms and looked at his face. His eyes were brown and serious. He had a small smile that I could barely see on his beautiful lips. I had parted my lips in order to breathe properly. He slightly leaned down but didn't kiss me. My hands traveling from his chest up towards his neck as he was stalling. My breathing fastened as I longed to feel his lips onto mine again.

My eyes traveled from his, down to his lips, taking in all his features. I felt my stomach turn from anxiousness and I bit my bottom lip in frustration before I met his gaze again.

"I didn't thought you'd come," he said, his voice only a whisper. For a split of second, this moment, reminded me of a movie where two lovers were meeting again after a long time. I definitely needed therapy. I slightly furrowed my eyebrow to remove the thought.

"Didn't think so too," I sighed.

"Jenny told me," he said simply. I had a feeling that this was going to be one of those conversations. Why wouldn't he just kiss me? I stroked his jaw line with my thumb as my hand was on the side of neck; avoiding his eyes.

"Just..." I began "Let it go please," I whispered. For once he seemed to agree and just nodded. He leaned down again, his lips hover over mine; my heart beating hard in my chest as the anticipation got to me.

"Oh God, kiss me!" I pleaded finally, wanting for this torture to be over. Before I manage to even blink his lips crashed onto mine. My breath came out in a wild gasp as I stumbled backwards and he pinned me on the glass window behind me; my hands holding his face on mine. I parted my lips more and allowed his hot tongue to enter my mouth and brush mine in the most intense kiss I've experience.

He pulled me closer to his body; one hand on my back and the other still on my waist as our lips were glued together. I wanted to push him backwards, towards the bed but I couldn't move. I couldn't feel my legs. I could only feel his familiar taste in my mouth and his hands all over my body as the traveled everywhere.

"Bed," I mumbled between kisses and he pulled me with him towards the bed before turning around and pushed me down on the mattress; his lips never leaving mine. I pushed myself further in the bed and lied down properly and as he climbed on top of me I wrapped my legs around his tiny waist; my short skirt already reaching my waist. He moved his lips down to my neck; kissing, licking and biting making me moan as I traveled my hands on his back, under his t-shirt, stroking his soft skin.

He pulled back for a moment, kneeling between my legs and I opened my eyes to see the reason. My question was answered when he pulled his t-shirt over his head; revealing his colorful torso. I rested my weight on my elbows as he unbuckled the belt that kept my top over my short skirt and pulled the top over my head. I pushed my hips upwards and turned the skirt around on my waist so I could reach the zipper. I pulled myself backwards and removed my skirt as he unbuckled his belt and removed his jeans.

The moment we were both in our underwear, he crashed his lips to mine once again; climbing on top of me. I moaned into the kiss as I felt every inch of his body touching mine; including the bulge between his legs. His every kiss was lustful and intense, full with passion.

He moved to my neck once again; his right hand removing my bra and then traveling down my side as his mouth covered my left nipple.

"I want you so much," I mumbled; my hand squishing his butt over his boxers. He removed his lips from my skin and I opened my eyes again. He walked to his suitcase and searched for condoms, as I saw when he returned to the bed, holding them. He left them next to us and made a move to return on top of me.

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