Chapter 4 - I'm a fucking work of art

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Jenny and I were in the train on our way to Oliver's hotel and I was freaking out. I was standing beside the doors, staring outside the scratched glass into the darkness. I tried to keep my mind blank. I didn't have to be anxious. No I didn't.

I noticed a hand in front of my eyes and snapped out of my trance. Jenny was standing beside me too, shaking her hand, trying to get my attention.

"Stop freaking out Lis!" she told me; her voice soft. I turned towards her and tried to smile.

"What makes you feel confident?" she asked, trying to calm me down. I thought for a moment.

"Got it," I said and the lyrics of my favorite song came into my mind "Marilyn Manson.".

"What?" she asked confused "You're so fucked up," she commented.

"Are you trying to help me or what?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry," she apologized.

"And I meant my favorite song. (S)aint," I explained and she nodded. "I'm not an artist am a fucking work of art" I repeated silently over and over again. It always works. I took a deep breath, blinked and exhaled. I felt much more confident and sexy.

"Damn. It works," Jenny whispered; looking at me.

"Yup," I smirked as we reached our stop.

We got out of the subway and walked towards the hotel. Jenny said that she was going to say hello to the guys and then leave; that was her pretence for not leaving me alone.

As we approached the hotel, I saw a familiar tall brown haired guy standing outside the buildings doors and I smiled. He took a few steps forward as he noticed me and opened his arms.

"Lisa!" tall Matt exclaimed as he hugged me; a smile on his face.

"Hey! How are you?" I kissed him on both cheeks.

"I'm great," he said as the rest of them came out thought the doors. I turned towards them as they approached us to say hello. My heart rate increased for a moment as my eyes searched for him but as I saw that he wasn't among them, my rate went back to its regular rhythm.

"You look hot," impatient Matt told me "He's upstairs," he added, looking up from his mobile. I chuckled in response as he was the one always straight to the point.

"I'm going," I turned to Jenny and then nodded to the rest of them.

"Room 623," tall Matt said as I was walking "See you tomorrow," he called. I turned around and frowned.

"No," I shook my head "I'll just go and get him," I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay," the other Matt said; clearly sarcastic tone in his voice. I shook my head but ignored them and turned towards the doors again. I liked it that we were going to be alone the first time I'll see him again.

I walked towards the elevator and pushed the button. As soon as the doors closed behind me and I was alone I took a deep breath and looked myself in the mirror. I looked great.

"I'm not an artist, am a fucking work of art" I repeat silently to myself as I turned towards the doors again. I licked my lips and prepared myself for seeing him; my heart rate increased to a ridiculous speed.

As the doors opened, I took two steps and got out of the elevator. I was searching for the right number when my eyes caught a movement in the dim light of the little sitting room on the opposite side of the elevator. I stopped moving.

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