Chapter 9 - I never stood a chance ,my heart is frozen over

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Besides tall Matt, Lee and the other Matt, four other guys were with them that I haven't met the first day; including Jona, the new guitarist.

That night we went out for a drink with his friends and ended up sleeping at the hotel. What I really enjoyed was that no one paid more attention than necessary to me for being there with Oliver. Even the following morning that we went sight-seeing and I was joking around with tall Matt like he was an old friend.

"What time should we be there tonight?" I asked Matt as we walked side by side.

"So, you are coming?" Oliver asked from my other side. I turned to look at him; with a smirk. I didn't want to say what popped into my head because we were in the presence of his friends.

"Of course," I raised my eyebrows "And I'm not coming for your good looks, angel," I stated; causing Matt to laugh. Oliver put his arm around my neck; letting hanging on my shoulder and made me stop as Matt kept walking; giving up privacy.

"But my looks, always make you come," he whispered to my ear; a smirk on his lips.

"As previously said, you don't have to be hot to be good in bed," I looked at him under my lashes as my fingers played with his "So, this has nothing to do with your looks."

"Yes yes," He nodded "But since I'm both..." he smirked; a cocky look on his face.

"I'm very lucky to have you in my bed," I finished the sentence for him and begun walking again while he was grinning. "You know..." I stopped walking again and turned my eyes sideways to look at him "It's not that you're good in bed or that you're hot that turns me on," I begun.

"Oh really?" he raised his eyebrows, waiting. I made a small step and put my lips near his ear.

"The fact that you're aware of those two facts make's you so arrogant," I told him "That makes me so wet," I whispered seductively to his ear.

"I'll keep that in mind," he smirked and kissed my neck slowly.

After we catch up with the rest of them, they informed me that the gig was at 8pm and we agree to meet them there at 6. I went back home, took a shower and wore clean clothes. Jenny and I met at the subway entrance and made the trip to the venue together.

"Remind me again why I came here alone last year?" I asked Jenny as we walked at the backstage room.

"Because I don't like metalcore," she said.

"I didn't either," I winced.

"Are you deaf already? I said I don't as in still don't like it," she breathed.

"Oh you're here for me? How sweet!" I raised my eyebrows smiling.

"I became friends with the guys last year. That's why I'm here," she said and my smile fell as I knocked on the backstage door.

"Whatever dude," I winced while the door opened; impatient Matt was standing there. He tilted his head at the side and watched me.

"What?" I asked.

"You look funny today," he stated and took a step back.

"Um, thank you?" I furrowed my eyebrows and walked pass him and the first person I saw after Matt was Oliver; standing with his back on me only in his boxers. My heart rate increased and my palms sweat.

"Hey Skellington," I called and he turned around to face me "I've got something for you. Come on," I grinned at him. He walked to me and motioned towards a door.

"Don't be late in there," Lee called after us.

"We won't," Oliver replied as he pushed me lightly into the room; the bathroom to be exact.

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