Chapter 3 - I'm a satellite heart, lost in the dark

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I didn't sleep that night. I tried to suppress the excitement I felt that I would see the band live again. After I got hold of the album, I was so in love with the music that I became a huge fan, even if Jenny was mocking me about that; apparently, first you're a fan and then a "Band-Aid" and not the other way around.

Shouldn't Oliver be the one contacting me? Or at least be mentioned? Should I take this as sign and just stay away from the concert? But if he didn't want me there, he would have said something to Matt and I would never receive that message.

Even if that was the case though, I would find out about the concert at some point. What I would have done if Matt hadn't contact me, and I found out about the concert?

I would definitely go.

Just to hear the band live. 


Not just for the band. I wanted to see his pretty face again; his beautiful half-moon eyes and his bright smile.

As I was falling asleep, my subconscious unleashed all of my thoughts and feelings and I admitted to myself that I wanted to see him so bad that it hurt.

Jenny got the tickets the following week and pinned them on my message board, behind my laptop, where I could see them all day – everyday. They lasted two days there.

After a long stare the second day, I moved them where I couldn't see them. I wasn't going to forget anyway; the date was tattooed in my memory.

My mind was so occupied by the university lab works I had and the fact that Oliver was coming that I completely forgot about Josh. He actually called me, after two weeks and wanted to go out. Having sex with him was the last thing I wanted to do right now. Because I was sure it wasn't just a drink; it was a bootycall. I just told him I had a big test coming up in two weeks and I had to get ready.

The third week after Matt contacted me and let me know about the concert, I received another message, this time on my mobile. I was out with Jenny for a drink and we were analyzing her new fling when my phone begun screaming from the table.

"Jesus, make it stop!" Jenny pleaded. I frowned and took the phone in my hands, pushing the button to make the music stop, without noticing who it was.

I narrowed my eyes at Jenny and returned my eyes on the mobile screen and froze; my lips parted and I blinked.

"What?" Jenny asked. My eyes frozen on the foreign number; didn't have the guts to move down at the actual message. I just caught a glimpse of the start; "Hello love...".

I knew who it was. I just never thought he would actually contact me himself; I thought he'd forgotten all about me. He must have forgotten all about me. Yes we talked every now and then online but that was it. He was just an online flirt since our ways parted.

I bit my lip and moved my eyes down and read the rest of the text; "Hello love...I hear you already know about the gig..We're actually flying in on the 11th, at noon, and will be staying at the same hotel. Hope to see you again...".

"Lisa?" Jenny asked, moving towards me. I frowned and gave her my mobile.

"See? He contacted you too!" she told me and gave me back my mobile "So sweet," she mumbled.

"Does it say eleventh?" I asked confused and she nodded.

"That's two days before the concert," I said and as she opened her mouth to say something I realized something "Fuck! That's in three days!" I frowned; my eyes widening.

"Why the hell are you freaking out?" she asked confused.

"I don't know," I pouted in a small voice and leaned back in the couch.

"Are you going to reply?" she asked me; pulling me out of my thoughts. I frantically shook my head and left the phone on the table.


Jenny came over for a girl's night in and decided she wanted to do beauté; waxing, manicure, pedicure, and facial. I went along with her orders because tomorrow Oliver was coming and even though I was trying to play cool, I was really freaking out and wanted to be ready just in case.

We got in bed at three in the morning but I couldn't sleep at all. I was feeling anxious about tomorrow. I still didn't know if I would go or not. I wanted to see him again but what if he was disappointed? I knew that if he didn't want to see me, he wouldn't have contacted me at all, so I why was I freaking out?

Jenny was my best friend for the past ten years, she knew me very well, that's why when we woke up the following morning she dragged me at the shops and kept me occupied all day.

Making me buy lingerie though, wasn't exactly the best way to keep my mind away from Oliver. Instead of being happy and excited that I was out shopping, I was feeling even more anxious as the minutes passed by.

"You think I should go?" I asked her as I was holding a dress that I just tried on. She turned around and looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Oliver..." I trailed. What was wrong with her?

"I know! I meant, you actually thought of not going?" she asked like I was saying the most absurd thing she ever heard. I nodded. "Are you insane?" she asked, a rhetorical question, and then the flood came "He actually came back and even texted you, he clearly wants to see you! And you don't want to go?" she exclaimed. I opened my mouth to explain myself but she put out a hand and stopped me.

"He wants to see you and you want to see him, sometimes I really don't understand what the fuck is wrong with your head," she exclaimed while I remained frozen.

"What if..?" I begun but she, again, stopped me.

"Nothing! Get dressed, be fabulous and go!" it was her final word; she grabbed the dress from my hands and walked at the cashier.

"Okay," I whispered and followed her, taken aback by her response.

We returned home, I got a shower and got dressed while Jenny waited for me. She said she was going to accompany me to the hotel to make sure I was actually going. This actually made me feel less anxious about seeing him again.

"He texted you again," Jenny told me as I got out of the shower. I breathed and tried to hide my smile.

"Read it, please?" I asked trying to wear my underwear. She picked up my mobile and read the text "We just arrived at the hotel...move your ass love and get over here!" she laughed and I frowned.

"Forgot to add «sexy» ass," I laughed too as I wore my short brown skirt; the confidence filling me. I wore my orange top and my brown belt as Jenny was scanning me with her eyes for perfection; making me feel awkward. 


Authors Note:

Title Credit: Satellite Heart by Anya Marina

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