Chapter 19 - I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight

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After I calmed down from all the crying and sobbing, we took a bath and lied down on the bed once again. I figured it was a good time to start talking a little bit; giving him a little piece of my mind. I wasn't completely sober up so it was going to be easy. 

I opened my mouth to speak, not a sound was made though. Maybe it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

"Oliver?" I asked softly.

"Mm?" he replied; not moving his jaw and cheek from my forehead but rubbed his fingers against my arm.

"Um..." I begun but I still couldn't find the words to speak. He pulled my leg upwards as it was resting over his lap and stroked my thigh softly.

"Yeah?" he said. I shifted in his arms and buried my face in the crook of his neck; my hands touching the soft skin of his chest. I breathed against his skin and pulled away from his neck.

When my eyes fell on his face, I found him looking back at me; his eyes were liquid light brown. He was so unbelievable handsome. So much that made my heart implode.

"I love you," I said and when my thoughts caught up with what I said, my body froze. My heart on the contrary was racing. And then the edges of his lips curled up into a sweet smile; his cheeks rose up as the smile, even though small, reached his eyes and he breathed out.

"I love you too," he said and time stopped. 

Everything around me froze. 

Everything but my heart which I could hear loud and clear bumping and drumming inside my chest. I realized I forgot to breath and exhaled deeply; parting my lips.

His arm left from around my shoulders and went up on the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. Our lips met into a soft and sweet kiss and I put my palm against his cheek as our tongues mingled.

"It's still hard for me," I whispered against his lips.

"But why?" he breathed.

"Is just...I'm not used to talk about what I feel," I winced "I don't like bothering people with my problems," and looked down at the skull between his collarbones.

"You're not bothering me by telling me how you feel," he frowned as I saw when I looked at him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded. "What did I do wrong earlier?" I said and when he looked like he was trying to understand my question I spoke again "I mean I know I do a lot of things wrong and I'm really wondering why you're still here," I stopped for a second and breathed "But I would like to know what I did and I've ruined your mood after we had sex, so I'll try and don't do it again," I rushed the words out of my mouth but when I looked at him, waiting for an answer, I noticed a light frown on his face. He took a deep breath and released it as I waited for him to reply.

"First of all," he started "I'm here because like I said earlier," he continued and stroked my cheek "I'm in love with you," he finished and I couldn't help but smile. It felt so good hearing him saying that. "As for the rest of it, well," he said and took another breath before continuing "Earlier in the club you gave me the impression that you were ready to finally let me in," he said as I diverted my eyes from his to his lips. "And then, when we came back home...when you looked at me like that," he breathed.

"Like what?" I asked; my voice low. He chuckled. "What?" I asked puzzled.

"You're not even aware you're doing it."

"Doing what?" I asked impatiently.

"Flirting and teasing," he explained with a small smile, his thumb brushing my bottom lip "And you're hiding behind all that," his smile fainting.

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