Chapter 20 - I will follow you cause I'm under your spell

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I shifted on the bed but the sound of a bell still echoed in my ears. A few more seconds passed before I was aware of the doorbell ringing. Oliver shifted next to me but did not wake up. I got up and walked to the phone on the wall.

"Yes?" I asked; my voice hoarse from the sleep.

"Delivery for Lisa Black," a man's voice said.

"First floor," I replied and rushed to put on some clothes. I grabbed a t-shirt from the sofa and my shorts from the closet just when the delivery boy ringed the bell.

"Good morning," he greeted me and gave me a box.

"Good morning," I mumbled, singed the paper and closed the door behind me. I didn't recall ordering something so I looked at the nametag on the top of the box. "Sender: Tom Sykes". Why would Oliver's brother send me a box? I guess it wasn't for me but for Oliver.

That question would have to wait though because I slept at 6a.m. and it was only 10 a.m. so I needed my sleep. I put the box on the kitchen table and went back to bed.


I woke up, my stomach against the mattress, with Oliver's arm around my waist and his face against my shoulder. I smiled and turned around on my side. I felt uncomfortable; my stomach didn't hurt anymore though. I groaned in irritation as I understood that my period must have made an appearance.

I felt Oliver kissing my arm and I turned to look at him. It was too early to talk though, so I kissed the edge of his lips and got up from the bed.

"Stay," he whispered; his voice still hoarse from the sleep.

"Be right back," I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I was right; my period had indeed come. But maybe it wasn't such a bad thing; after all he said he loved me.

I went back to my room and threw myself on the bed next to him. He had his eyes closed so it gave me time to study him; memorize him. My eyes hugged his fringe as it fell on his forehead but not as usual; strands of hair were here and there from the sleep, leaving most of his forehead uncovered. I stared at his perfectly straight nose followed by his delicious thin lips where on the edge I could see the hole from his lip piercing.

He shifted on his left side and faced me before smiling lightly. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Why are you dressed?" he asked confused.

"Delivery," I replied.

"Oh! The stuff I told Tom to send are here?" he asked and I just nodded. "You didn't open it?" he almost frowned.

"No. Why would I? Isn't yours?" I asked.

"It's for you," He chuckled and kissed the edge of my lips while his fingers went under my t-shirt and up my waist. Then I remembered my period situation and I pouted.

"What?" he smiled.

"I can't have sex with you," I pouted more.

"Don't find me hot anymore?" he smirked.

"Unfortunately, I do find you hot," I replied and he kissed me; smiling against my lips "And beautiful," I added and he kissed me again.

"So?" he smiled against my lips.

"Period," I pouted and he mimicked me before putting his palm against my lower stomach.

"Tummy hurts?" he pouted sweetly.

"No," I sighed dramatically.

"Then why all the drama?" he chuckled.

"We can't have sex," I repeated trying to make him comprehend the situation. He then laughed and kissed me again.

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