The cave

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After sitting with the siren for a good few minutes my mom told me it was time for lunch which made me stand up fairly quickly since I only had a piece of toast this morning but as I was about to leave the room the siren began to screech again making me tense as I looked back towards the siren with an annoyed look. I mean seriously, can I not eat?

Walking back towards the tank I press my hand up against the glass letting her know that everything would be ok.

"It's ok, I'll be back."

She seemed to not trust my judgment as she sent my mother a harsh glare before squinting at me making me a bit confused as I heard James start to laugh uncontrollably

" I think she's jealous."

"Jealous? Why would she be Jealous?"

"Well it would seem that she thinks your mother might be a threat."

Realization dawned on me making me scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Ew no, just no."

"With her showing signs of jealousy just now she has confirmed my theory on wanting to mate with you."

"That will never happen, she is my daughter not some mating tool. I'm taking you home Aria, I should have never of brought you here."

"But mom."

"No buts, now come on."

Sighing heavily I obeyed my moms orders but before we completely left the room I looked back towards the siren who seemed to have a look of want yet sadness on her face as she pressed her hand up against the wall making me feel a bit guilty as I stopped my mother from taking me anywhere.


"What is it Aria?"

"Let me explain to her that I'll be back."

"But you won't be back."

"At least it will make her not screech so loudly again, please mom let me do this."

She squints at me one more time before giving up the argument making me smile as I rushed up the black metal stairs once again.

"Be carful Aria!"

"Don't worry, I will!"

Crouching down at the very edge of the tank I watch the siren poke her head above the water making me a bit nervous as she tilted her head to the side.

"H-Hey, I just wanted you to know that I'll be back I'm just going back home to rest is all."

She squints at me like she's trying to understand what I was saying which dawned on me. Dose she even speak English? My thoughts where cut off as she raised her hand up towards me but didn't reach to grab me much to my relief. Very slowly yet gently I touched my hand up against hers which was surprisingly soft.

"Be carful Aria!"

Seriously? Does she not trust me that much? "I will mom!" Before I could even finish my smart comment towards my mother I felt the sirens soft wet hand grasp my hand tightly before pulling me into the water making me go into full panic mode as I heard my moms muffled scream calling my name as water begin to fill my lungs.

I tried swimming back up to the top but it was proven to be useless as the siren dragged me further and further into tank before pulling me into some strange cave that had actual sand in it as I began to cough up the salty water that filled my lungs.

"Are you crazy?! You could have killed me, I can't swim!"

Looking up towards the siren I froze as I just now noticed how close are faces where making me a bit nervous as I backed up a little bit feeling a bit uncomfortable do the sheer amount of closeness. Rolling my eyes to myself I begin to take off my soaked leather jacket before tossing it to the side as I took of my blue shirt as well before twisting it only to ring the extra water out. I tense as I was harshly shoved to the ground making my eyes widen as I saw the siren practically on top of me making me even more nervous then I was before as she caressed my cheek lovingly.

"A-Aren't you moving a bit fast? I mean we only just met" I stutter as she leaned in closer towards my face once again making my breath get caught in my throat as she started humming a light toon. Her singing was a bit different this time, I didn't feel like my movements where not my own but instead I felt more relaxed.

Staring into her deep blue green eyes I begin to close my own feeling a bit tired before I felt her lips press against my own making my eyes snap open in shock.

This was my first kiss.

I couldn't help but kiss her back, I honestly felt connected to her like we where meant to be together.



"Calm down Abby, she will be ok."

"Calm down? Calm down?! Don't you dare tell me to calm down! She can't swim James!"

"I know. But there has been an underwater cave installed inside the cave. If my hunch is correct, she has taken your daughter there to mate with her."

"James, so help me god if anything happens to my daughter I will hold you personally responsible for it!"

"Now, how do we get her back?"

"Honestly. I don't know, if we go in there now we are more likely to be killed if we interrupt the mating process."

Disgust and confusion overcame me as I glared at James before pacing back and fourth. "honestly James, how on earth is that girl going to mate with my...."

I tense as I heard my daughter scream loudly from pain but as I listened I could hear a bit of pleasure in her pained scream making me clench my jaw in anger as I took a deep breath.

I swear to god if that creature some how gets my daughter pregnant I will kill her.

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